'Arrow' Season 4 SPOILERS: Can Anyone Stop Oliver Queen From Killing Damien Darhk?

By Andrew Meola | Jan 18, 2016 10:00 PM EST

The Season 4 midseason finale of Arrow left Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) in a dark place after Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough) nearly killed Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards) with a hail of bullets. So can anyone stop Oliver from killing Damien to get revenge? We've got some spoilers on that, so read on to find out.

Showrunner Wendy Mericle spoke to TVLine about what's ahead on Arrow and discussed Oliver's thirst for vengeance and how that affects his character's development (or regression).

"I think we’re really excited to see the final confrontation between Oliver and Damien Darhk. I mean, this is the first season we’ve launched a Big Bad in the premiere and tracked him all the way through," Mericle said. "When we left at the end of 2015, he’d obviously done something really horrifying. One of the things we’ve been most excited about is exploring how Oliver’s going to react — What is he going to do, and will he go back on who he’s become, and become darker? Will he go back to more of a Season 1 type Oliver, who’s willing to kill, to go to those dark places to get revenge?"

Fortunately, Oliver has always had people in his life to act as his moral compass and keep him from falling too far into the darkness. But his support system has eroded a bit at this point in Season 4. Felicity's life hangs in the balance. Diggle (David Ramsey) is dealing with his own personal issues with his brother. Thea (Willa Holland) has that pesky bloodlust thanks to the Lazarus Pit.

So who will be there for Oliver? Interestingly, Mericle's answer was Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman).

"What the viewers will see is we're going to have him give Oliver some very interesting and helpful advice," he said. "And obviously we're going to blow that up. It will bring them a bit closer together, though, which will give us some really juicy stuff when we start to break them back apart."

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