'Final Fantasy 15' Latest News & Updates: Why Conan O'Brien trash talked new Square Enix RPG

By Staff Writer | Nov 15, 2016 11:53 AM EST

Conan O'Brien and his guest Elijah Wood played Square Enix's newest RPG "Final Fantasy 15" in the latest episode of "Clueless Gamers," a segment in O'Brien's talk show. The duo complained that running around and doing missions and one involving a wedding dress and defeating monsters just doesn't do it for them. Wood shared that he finds RPG gaming tedious as it involves a lot of walking around and exploration.

"Final Fantasy 15" - An Epic Waste of Time?

In the segment, the resident game expert, Aaron Bleyaert, explains the gameplay of "Final Fantasy 15." He also explained that the big creature at the beginning of the game will need three full days or 72 real hours of gameplay for it to be defeated. O'Brien and Wood were shocked with the former asking the point of the game and saying that it is an "epic blue-balls waste of time."

Huffington Post added that while O'Brien and Wood were playing and reviewing "Final Fantasy 15," the game creators were right outside listening in on them. O'Brien was mortified when he knew as they had to walk by them to be able to exit the room.

"Final Fantasy 15" Release Date, News & Update

The buzz on "Final Fantasy 15" is on a crescendo as its release date on November 29, 2016 is nearing. The game will launch on the Xbox One and PS4 but it is unknown when the PC version will be released. The game apparently supports HDR so playing it on the Xbox One S and PS4 Slim won't be a problem.--

According to Segment Next, apart from being one of the most anticipated games of 2016, "Final Fantasy 15" features new gameplay that is unique from its predecessors. The game will apparently have character customization, skill upgrade trees, and feature Ascension.