Google Instant Tethering: Android Devices Remain Online Without Internet Connection

By Amjad Ali | Jan 24, 2017 01:58 AM EST

Google introduces yet another innovative idea for Android devices. Android smart phones will remain online even without internet connection by sharing data through mobile hotspot. This feature is called Instant Tethering. In December 2016, it was reported that Google is testing separate Play Store settings for Apps and Games. Existing Google Play Store was already over burdened with millions of apps, games and other features clustered in the same box.

Tech Times referred a Google plus post of Andreas Proschofsky who revealed some of the details about the 'Instant Tethering' on his Google Plus account. Andreas is an Austrian Journalist. He said that connection will be offered from other connected smartphones and tablets.

According to details, an offline device will go online by adopting the already shared connection of a connected android device provided that both or all the devices are linked to same google account. This type of connections will be facilitated by Bluetooth technology.

Instant Tethering will only require consent of the parties and no other settings or complicated steps. The user will grant permission to the client device and connection will be established. Offline device will receive a prompt indicating connected device or devices and asking permission to go online through any of the connected devices. This feature seems like Wifi functions but its simpler and easier. The necessary requirement is that all the devise both client and user/ host must be linked to same Google account. The connection will be established with a linked device through mobile hotspot.

There are some demerits of the Instant Tethering. Once connected through Instant Tethering, all the wifi connections will be lost. Battery consumption is also higher and data consumption will cost at the rate of connected devices. Warning about all these concerns is also appeared in the prompt showing the connected device or devices.

This technology is still being tested and rolled out on limited basis. Android Police reported that the feature is available only for the Pixel and Nexus devices for the time being. These devices are already powered by Android Nougat 7.1.1.

Due to a server-side component, Google Play 10.2 users may not see the Instant Tethering even with compatible devices. No final date for the official release of Instant Tethering for all devices is yet announced but it is being tested on Nexus and Pixel devices. An overall rollout is expected in the nearest future.