Robin Quivers Terminal Cancer: Howard Stern's Sidekick Beats Cancer On Vegan Diet, Twitter Fans React To News
After a year of being on hiatus from 'The Howard Stern Show' on September 9, Robin Quivers admitted that she battled cancer this past year and took the time to start ah vegan diet in hopes to beat her cancer.
Howard's co-host admitted that the life threatening cancer started in the endometrial tissue in her uterus.
Howard confessed that he didn't think she would make it to be sitting with him a year later, "I gotta be honest, I thought she was a goner."
Quivers denied trying medicinal marijuana and confessed that she was on a strict vegan diet and was recently told doctors that she was now cancer free.
When Quivers announced that she would be leaving the show, Howard admitted that he would have a difficult time without her and was extremely hurt by her brief disappearance.
"Doing a show without Robin is like cutting off my left arm. Or my right arm. Or maybe both," Howard said. "She was my backbone, you understand. Where I would lose courage, Robin always had the courage. She always is the brave one. Always the brave one with me. I could go to her, and I could always rely on her."
Read fans reaction on Twitter:
@CharlieBellmore2h tweeted, "Thanks @rqui and @HowardStern, Im a 32 year old man crying in my car ;) F-Cancer."
@Nursegrrl83h tweeted, "So glad I am off today to hear Robin Quivers tell her cancer story finally."
@nfltalentstaff3h tweeted, "Wow listening to Robin Quivers ' cancer scare on @sternshow - incredibly scary."
@ChrisC427803h tweeted, "Robin hoping for the best if you even see this tweet. Stay Strong, f**k cancer @rqui"
@mike_lustgarten15 Jul 12 tweeted, "@rqui I think you'll like my article showing vegans have decreased risk of heart disease,cancer,mortality..."
Congrats on beating cancer Robin!