The Xbox One ships out early, but Microsoft admits it's useless before November 22, 2013, release date/update

By Jon Niles | Nov 11, 2013 02:58 PM EST

According to some new reports, the new gaming console from Microsoft, the Xbox One, will be shipping earlier than the November 22 release date! That sounds great, right? Well considering the system will not be able to support any gaming until certain updates are available on the actual release date, this news is not too great.

Yes an early ship date sounds incredibly inviting and exciting, but the system will pretty much just be a paperweight until the actual release date according to a detailed interview from Microsoft senior director of product management Albert Penello

"Functionally, you will be able to do very little without taking the day one update," Penello explained.

When asked what a gamer could do with the Xbox One right out of the box, the Microsoft director answered:  "Nothing. You need the Day One update."

"A lot of the apps come with the day one update because they wouldn't have even been done," Penello added. "You're going to need to take this update. It's not going to be really an optional thing'." 

So despite getting your hands on one of the most anticipating video game systems in recent years a few days early, you will not be able to do a thing with it. Microsoft is even admitting to this, so maybe getting an advanced copy of the console might not be a great idea. Sure you'll have it, but the wait could turn into a nightmare for some.

What do you make of this early shipping news?