Supernatural 'Road Trip' Review: Dean struggles to save Sam and Crowley makes his move

By Andrew Meola | Jan 14, 2014 10:28 PM EST

Supernatural returned from its Hellatus on Tuesday night with the newest Season 9 episode, entitled "Road Trip." All the major players were on the board throughout the hour, and the result was a satisfying installment that set the table for the second half of the season.

A lot happened in this episode, so let's get the cliff notes version out of the way:

-       Dean needed Crowley's help to get Gadreel out of Sam.

-       Crowley, of course, wanted something in exchange and asked to go for a ride (hence the episode's title).

-       When Crowley couldn't poke and prod his way into Sam's brain to tell him about the angel, he volunteered to possess the younger Winchester brother in return for his freedom. Dean reluctantly accepted.

-       Crowley succeeded and Sam expelled Gadreel, who promptly returned to his former vessel (played by returning guest star Tahmoh Penikett) and reunited with Metatron.

-       Speaking of which, Metatron continued to have Gadreel assassinate angels, which brought out some inner turmoil in the angel as he struggled with killing his former companions.

-       Abaddon came after Crowley, and the two have now entered into a campaign for leadership of Hell.

-       Sam and Dean had one of their patented end-of-episode heart-to-hearts, and Dean decided to go off on his own because he's filled with guilt about Kevin to the point where he thinks he's going to Hell, and he reasons that everyone around him dies (or worse).

Yeah, it was a packed hour.

It was only a matter of time before Crowley escaped the Winchester's clutches, and this latest development opens up some fascinating possibilities for the character. He's clearly still dealing with the effects of his purification in the Season 8 finale, and his humanity shined through in this episode when he was helping the Winchesters and when he was talking to Sam inside his body. Of course, he did it with his own brand of sarcasm, but the emotions are definitely there.

And a Crowley who's conflicted and sometimes sides with the Winchesters is a far more interesting Crowley than one who's just evil for evil's sake. Next week's promo showed Crowley and Dean teaming up on a hunt for Abaddon, which could be all manner of amazing.

Gadreel is also still in play, and he's back with Metatron almost immediately. It was kind of obvious as soon as Penikett appeared as the bartender, but it was a necessary move, as Gadreel couldn't hang out inside Sam forever (well, he could, but it wouldn't be a good idea for the plot).

There are plenty of plot threads dangling out there now to keep the rest of Season 9 fresh and fast-paced, and that's what "Road Trip" did so well. Crowley and Abaddon are at war. The various angel factions are at war. Metatron and Gadreel have their own plan, but Gadreel doesn't seem to be completely on board. Castiel is an angel who knows better than anyone what it means to be human. Dean is on his own. Sam is essentially waking up from a coma.

If I have one complaint about this episode, it's Dean. Yes, he should feel guilty that Kevin is dead, and yes, he should blame himself for it, and yes, he's right that people around him suffer horribly. But he just got his brother back, and the first thing he does is bolt in the opposite direction. After eight-plus seasons, you'd think he'd realize by now that the only anchor in his entire universe is his brother (and Cas). The separation of the Winchester brothers is kind of tired at this point in the series, but the writers usually do it for a good reason, so let's see where this goes.

It's pretty incredible that Supernatural has managed to not just stay fresh, but to keep itself genuinely interesting in its ninth season. "Road Trip" set up the rest of Season 9, which should be a roller coaster ride.

Notes from Dad's Journal

-       Dean gave Kevin a hunter's funeral, a fitting end for the character.

-       Castiel was PISSED at Gadreel. Holy crap was our favorite angel angry! He even called him a "damn son of a bitch!" Plus, was it just me, or did Castiel seem more human in this episode even though he's an angel again? Misha Collins has always added some subtlety to the character, and this is no different.

-       When Sam expelled Gadreel and Crowley left his body, he still had the nails/spikes in his head. Shouldn't that have, I don't know, REALLY HURT?

-       What did Sam mean at the end of the episode when he told Dean that what he said wasn't the problem?

What did you think of "Road Trip," Supernatural fans? Let us know in the comments below!