Watch 'The Simpsons' online and streaming in 2014, all 530 episodes available on FXNow App and website
Have you ever tried to watch a random episode of the past 530 episodes of the animated series The Simpsons online at any point recently? If so, you most likely discovered that there is no legal way to stream or watch the show online, aside from the available episodes on Hulu. Thankfully, Fox has decided to change this and thanks to the new streaming app and website FXNow, every episode of The Simpsons will be available for streaming!
Here is an excerpt from the press release announcing this big news:
Beginning this August, fans will have access to 24 complete seasons of The Simpsons - 530 episodes and counting - via FX Networks' new advertiser-supported "TV Everywhere" app FXNOW. Encompassing programs from the FX, FXX and FXM suite of channels, the app's initial rollout will service about half of all FX channel subscribers domestically and is underway, the company announced today.
This new service is a lot like HBOGo and similar applications, in that one must have a certain subscription to the service.
In a related piece of news, Fox recently took legal actions against a Canadian fan of the popular series that was running a streaming website for episodes of The Simpsons. The URL for this since deleted website was simply "Watch the Simpsons Online" and there was another similarly titled website for the show Family Guy.
Needless to say, the 23-year-old running these sites was sued for $10.5 and is currently bankrupt. Whether these two stories of streaming this cartoon are directly related or not is still up in the air, but it is pretty convenient timing.