Watch 'Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor' gameplay footage walkthrough trailer [VIDEO]: Is this the best 'Lord of the Rings' video game?
Gamers know that making a video game based on The Lord of the Rings is tough and usually disappointing, but a new title called Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor may be the franchise's saving grace.
Here is a synopsis for this new game thanks to Gamma Squad:
Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor has you playing Tallion, a ranger in an alternate version of LOTR continuity. Taking place between The Hobbit and The Lord of The Rings, Tallion and his family get caught in the crossfire when Sauron throws his comeback tour. Unlike most of the race of Men, though, Tallion is immediately revived as a half-man, half-Wraith for reasons the game hasn't clarified yet. Hugely ticked off, for obvious reasons, Tallion plans to kill his way through the orcs.
So instead of trying to stay true to the J.R.R. Tolkien books or the Peter Jackson films, this new game tells a brand new, original story about this character with some cool powers.
This game does however look like a bunch of other games, which is expected these days but still frowned upon a bit. But is taking queues from the Batman: Arkham series or Assassin's Creed a bad move? From the looks of this game, it might just be a solid idea!
We have the first gameplay walkthrough footage for Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor right here for your viewing pleasure:
What did you think about this in-depth look at the new game? Is it better than the past Lord of the Rings video game titles?