WWE Spoilers: Locker room morale after CM Punk's departure and WWE's plan to keep Batista in crowd's good graces

By Andrew Meola | Feb 04, 2014 02:53 PM EST

CM Punk's abrupt departure from the WWE has had a ripple effect on the company that could extend to WrestleMania 30 and beyond. The effect on fans and storylines is apparent, but what about the locker room full of wrestlers?

PWInsider.com reports that locker room morale backstage at Monday Night Raw this week was lower than usual thanks to Punk's departure. Many of his co-workers felt that Punk was the one person in the locker room who would speak his mind and tell the WWE officials when he thought something was wrong. The report goes on to state that WWE officials say that WrestleMania 30 has plenty of potential, but the talent in the locker room does not see it that way.

In a related story, WWE fans have been voicing their displeasure with Punk's departure and with the direction of the company overall. Some fans have hijacked the WWE Facebook page with CM Punk messages on every single post the WWE makes, while those in the live arena have taken over shows with their chants. Batista has been a target of some boos even though he is supposed to be a face, and WWE may have been conscious of this fact going into Raw.

F4WOnline.com reports that Batista cut a promo on Omaha that aired on the TitanTron during one of the show's commercial breaks. Batista discussed in the promo how he has been such a big fan of baseball and of the College World Series, which takes place in Omaha each year. WWE reportedly had him do this in order to get the crowd in his corner before he came out a few minutes later for his segment with Alberto Del Rio, which aired on live television.

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