Foxes covers "Hold On We're Going Home," "The Monster" for BBC Radio 2 mash-up

By Alex Galbraith | Feb 10, 2014 11:57 PM EST

Soon you'll hear thousands of teenagers rapidly tweeting their fawning admiration of this cover from rising Brit singer Foxes. The woman who you may know from her contribution to the rising trend of "powerhouse vocalist + cheesy Eurohouse revivalist = TOP 40 HIT." Her Zedd collab "Clarity" manages to tone down the verve out of both Drake's "Hold On, We're Going Home" and Eminem/Rihanna's "The Monster" in a recently released acoustic mash-up.


This will leave some shaking their heads and sighing. While I'm personally not a fan of the latter track, "Hold On" was one of the few tolerable cuts from Nothing Was The Same. Its blend of '80s throwback synths and modern rap-n-b sensibility breathes life into the Urban Top 40 in the same way Miguel's "Adorn" did in 2012.

On her BBC Radio 2 performance, Foxes takes the groove out of the track, leaving it soaked in falsetto emotion, some keys, and not much else. Who knows, some may prefer this stripped-down version. What do you think of it?
