Misha Collins talks Supernatural 'Mother's Little Helper' and Castiel's role

By Andrew Meola | Mar 25, 2014 02:41 PM EDT

Misha Collins makes his directorial debut on Tuesday's installment of Supernatural entitled "Mother's Little Helper."  And luckily for all the fans, he has offered a substantial preview of the episode.

Collins spoke to EW.com and revealed not just the plot of tonight's episode, but some of the rest of the season, as well. Firstly, here's what he had to say about his directorial debut episode:

"Well, this week we learn more about the Men of Letters' relationship to their ancestors, and we learn about the genesis of Abaddon in her current incarnation." He also said that Sam and Dean's relationship "begins and ends the episode, and it's a tension that is woven throughout the episode. So it is a present theme this week."

Crowley will also test Dean this week, and he is not totally sober after last week. "I will tell you that Crowley is essentially trying to figure out whether he can, in the same vein as when they went after the First Blade originally together, see if he can exploit or trust - I don't know what the proper term is - Dean for further partnership," Collins said.

As for his character, Castiel, it seems as though he will not be in "Mother's Little Helper," nor will he be in Episode 20, which serves as a backdoor pilot for the spinoff Supernatural: Bloodlines; however, he will be in the final three episodes of the season.

"Cas is on his own, continuing to hunt Metatron and figure out how he can get back at Metatron and restore the natural heavenly order," Collins said. "The reluctant leader is something that continues to be a storyline for Cas this season." But he won't be alone for long, as fans "will see him reunite with the Winchesters. Cas will be woven into [the Mark of Cain] storyline. Dean and Cas are going to attempt to collaborate again."

He also said that the show would explore the effects of Castiel's stealing another angel's grace. "I don't know about Cas trying to find his own Grace, but I do know that there are side effects," he said/ "Cas has sort of got a stiff upper lip about it, and he's trying to forge on, but it does become an issue for him."

Finally, he offers this tease about Dean's storyline with the First Blade:  "[Finding the Blade] continues to be a driving mission for the season, most especially for Dean. He's got a duel motivation there. On the one hand, he wants to get Abaddon, and on the other hand, he's kind of jonesing for the rush that he had in holding that First Blade. It's almost like Sam with the demon blood way back when. So yeah, that's [a] central plot twist as we move forward."

What do you make of Collins' preview? Let us know in the comments below.