WWE Spoilers: Sting appears on WWE Network, former writer talks Undertaker backstage

By Andrew Meola | Apr 16, 2014 03:47 PM EDT

Dave Meltzer of The Wrestling Observer reported last week that Sting had finally signed a deal to join WWE, which has been rumored for months. Meltzer reported that Steve Borden, aka Sting, has inked a deal with WWE that includes television time. Subsequent reports stated that this was not true, but Sting finally made an appearance in an official WWE capacity on the WWE Network on Tuesday night.

The company announced on Monday Night Raw that the Network would air a four-part series in memory of the Ultimate Warrior this week, appropriately titled "Warrior Week." Sting made a surprise appearance on the first installment to pay his respects to his friends and former partner. This appearance seems to indicate that Sting and WWE have an official relationship of some kind, but no confirmation has come yet.

Former WWE Writer Talks Undertaker Backstage

Former WWE Writer Alex Greenfield spoke to Gary Cantrell of More Like Radio and discussed numerous subjects, including the Undertaker and the end of the streak at WrestleMania 30. He also had some interesting perspective on Taker backstage:

"He had very definitive ideas of what Undertaker would do and what Undertaker wouldn't do and made those things clear. And here's the thing, he was absolutely right. It was never about getting the character over in the traditional sense. It was an absolutely right impression of the best ways to tell stories with this character. Even when the character would lose. Even when Khali was beating the sh*t out of him, Khali, Undertaker and the team working on that...We all listened to Taker because Taker even knew how to make the Undertaker lose the best possible way. He was never the guy who would say, 'oh, well, you know, I gotta win.' It's the classic thing of when a wrestler pitches creative it's usually give me the title I want to win. That wasn't the Undertaker's deal at all. He is a man who very much understands the utility of losing at the right time."

Check out the entire interview here.

What do you make of Sting's appearance? What about Greenfield's words? Let us know in the comments below.