Monday Night Raw Results 4/21/14: WWE Raw Recap April 21, 2014: Kane destroys Daniel Bryan, John Cena faces the entire Wyatt Family

By Andrew Meola | Apr 21, 2014 11:11 PM EDT

The April 21, 2014 edition of WWE's Monday Night Raw emanates live from the Baltimore Arena and begins with newlyweds Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella, who start a Yes chant in the ring.

[Before we continue with the recap, let's take a moment to note the abrupt and unexpected death of Daniel Bryan's father. He found out about his father's passing when he got back from his honeymoon but insisted that he wanted to perform on Raw, according to Our condolences, prayers and sympathies to Bryan Danielson and his family at this most difficult time.]

Stephanie McMahon comes out and congratulates them (half-mockingly) on their wedding and announces that Bryan will defend the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at Extreme Rules against Kane. She advises that Bryan get Brie out of harm's way, and Kane's music hits. Stephanie tells him to hold off but Kane never emerges. Bryan brings Brie toward the announce table but Kane (in a mask) appears from behind him and grabs him by the throat.

He knocks Bryan down and goes after Brie as Stephanie tells him not to do it, but Bryan intervenes. Stephanie yells for Brie to run and Bryan tries to fight back, but Kane gets the upper hand. He Tombstones the champ on the floor as Stephanie yells at him to stop. Kane takes the steps apart and Tombstones Bryan on the steel stairs. Stephanie calls for EMTs, who put him on a stretcher. Kane attacks again and takes the announce table apart. He Tombstone Bryan a third time on the announce table, which doesn't break. Stephanie calls Kane a bastard and he finally leaves as the EMTs attend to Bryan.

After the break, the EMTs take Bryan away as Brie walks with them. Stephanie, holding both belts, asks the crowd for a round of applause for the champ.

Sheamus faces Bad News Barrett (who of course makes a "bad news" comment about Daniel Bryan) in the second round of the Intercontinental Championship No. 1 Contender's Tournament. Barrett advances when he pins Sheamus after a Bullhammer.

Bray Wyatt cuts a promo from the stage about the first time he got a dose of truth. He says free will is man's biggest illusion and we have become a nation full of mindless sheep. He says tonight would be a wonderful night for change because they have left the power in the people's hands. Bray says two monsters will enter the cage at Extreme Rules and says the people do not love Cena anymore. He says he takes more of them with him every time they cross paths. He sings "he's got the whole world in his hands" and the crowd joins in with him.

Los Matadores and El Torito take on 3MB and earn the win when El Torito gores several opponents in the crotch and then pins Drew McIntyre.

Triple H, Randy Orton and Batista, now officially reformed as Evolution, come out and Triple H laughs (his voice is also raspier than usual) because The Shield said thy were the baddest men on the planet. Hunter says their daddies (Evolution) had to come out and spank them. Orton throws to a video package showing Evolution's dominance in their heyday. Batista then remarks the three men have 31 world championships among them.

The Shield's music hits and the guys in suits leave the ring and stop on the stage. Dean Ambrose tells Triple H last week wasn't the first or last time they've been beaten up and asks if they look humbled. Seth Rollins says they are angry, but Batista is wrong and The Shield knows exactly what they got themselves into because they started it. Rollins says each member of Evolution will look out for himself at Extreme Rules, but The Shield will tear apart the reunion of which Evolution is so proud. Roman Reigns says they are about to come up the ramp, and Evolution can either fight or be "creampuffs." Triple H decides to bring out the men from the 11-on-3 handicap match from last week, which stops The Shield.

The Usos defeat Cody Rhodes and Goldust with Ryback and Curtis Axel on commentary. Cody gets pinned after a super kick. Ryback Shell Shocks one of the Usos after the match.

Emma pins Layla after she pulls out a pink cobra. She and Santino get their cobras tangled up in a goofy comedy bit after the bell.

Renee Young interviews John Cena, who says he is aware of what is happening with the WWE Universe and is worried that they might listen to Bray Wyatt tonight. He says he hears the same song everywhere he goes since WrestleMania 30. Cena knows that if he can survive tonight, then the steel cage at Extreme Rules will even the odds in two weeks.

Cesaro's new music hits and he comes out with Paul Heyman. The walrus praises Cesaro briefly before he goes into his "Brock Lesnar broke the streak" repetition. Oddly, the show abruptly goes to commercial but when we return, Heyman is still repeating himself. He even talks directly into the camera.

Rob Van Dam comes out for his match against Cesaro in the other No. 1 Contender's semifinal match. Cesaro sets up for a Giant Swing but Zeb Colter and Jac Swagger come out. RVD tries to capitalize but Cesaro catches him. Heyman and Colter argue, which allows Swagger to throw Cesaro into the ring post and he loses by count out. This means RVD will face Barrett in the finals next week.

Swagger attacks Cesaro after the match, but the Swiss Superman quickly fights him off. He tries to swing Zeb but Swagger stops him, only to become the latest swing victim himself.

Renee Young interviews RVD backstage, but Heyman and Cesaro interrupt them. Cesaro says RVD could not beat him in a fair fight, and Heyman says he is disappointed in his former ECW star. RVD tells Cesaro to keep his wallet, house and future away from Heyman if he wants to make it in this business.

Divas Champion Paige faces Aksana and gets her to tap out to the scorpion cross lock.

Lana comes out and says everyone should feel privileged to breathe the same air as Alexander Rusev. He squashes Sin Cara with the Camel Clutch...I mean, the Accolade.

John Cena emerges for the main event and Jerry Lawler reveals, to the surprise of no one, that the WWE Universe voted for him to face the entire Wyatt Family in the WWE App vote. The other choices were Luke Harper or Luke Harper and Erick Rowan.

The Wyatts all attack Cena before the bell even rings. At one point, Bray ances with Cena. Cena clears the ring of Wyatts and manages to hit the Attitude Adjustment on Bray, but Harper and Rowan break it up and the referee calls for the bell. They assault Cena for a bit and Bray hits Sister Abigail. He cradles Cena's head and says "all things come to light." He sings "The Whole World" again as the crowd joins him. He laughs maniacally and continues to sing as the show goes off the air.

What did you think of tonight's episode? Let us know in the comments below.