Speculation: Black Panther Has Been Screen Tested For ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron?’ [Instagram Photo]
In the Marvel Universe, Black Panther is the first black superhero to become widely popular amongst mainstream audiences. Now there are rampant rumors that Black Panther has been screen tested for Avengers: Age of Ultron and there's evidence to prove it.
Latino-Review states viewers will see Black Panther will most likely appear in a cameo for the Avengers sequel. Could Black Panther have a bigger role in Marvel's Cinematic Universe? A journalist from Latino-Review believes he has the proof and posted a picture of it.
On his official Instagram, Umberto Gonzalez posted a photo of the Black Panther screen test:
Gonzalez states, "Rumor is they screen tested for BLACK PANTHER yesterday. Could we see him in AVENGERS: AOU? Think it's legit?"
Do we debunk or concur that the screen test paper is legit? Comic book fans may have to hold off on cheering about an appearance by Black Panther. Well one, wouldn't these types of papers be guarded by a Marvel production assistant, making sure these don't get leaked out?
And what about that logo for Black Panther? Why is the 'N' supposed to be all shiny? Haven't we seen this type of logo before, for some other movie? Wouldn't Marvel put a little effort into the logo for their popular superhero?
Was an ambitious journalist fooled by a scammer because he wanted to get an exclusive? Even if the screen test papers were a fake, it would be nice to see Black Panther show up in Avengers: Age of Ultron.