Fantastic Four Reboot Movie Will Be Like 'Batman Begins' And 'Iron Man'

By Andrew Meola | May 29, 2014 09:32 AM EDT

Screenwriter Simon Kinberg has spent much of the last two months promoting and discussing X-Men: Days of Future Past and its upcoming sequel X-Men: Apocalypse. But Kinberg is also working on Josh Trank's Fantastic Four reboot movie, and his attention will likely turn there now that filming has commenced.

In an interview with The Daily Beast, Kinberg said Trank actually pitched the movie on the set of Days of Future Past. The writer praised Trank's "fresh" vision and compared it to other superhero first installments:

"The tone of this movie will feel as unique as when you saw Iron Man, X-Men, or Batman Begins for the first time. It's not as goofy as the first movies; it has humor in it, but the humor is much more real and comes from character, not pratfall jokes. It's a much more dramatic film than it is a comedy." He also compared the movie to Trank's Chronicle and "[Sam] Raimi's first couple of Spider-Man movies."

One of the main talking points about Fantastic Four has been the casting of Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm, aka The Human Torch. The casting of an African-American actor has not sat well with some fans, who want the movie to stay as true to the comic book representations as possible.

On that subject, Kinberg said the filmmakers "didn't go into it saying we wanted to cast a particular race for any part. Josh had worked with Michael on Chronicle and I'm a big fan of Michael's, so we knew he was the best actor for that part. We knew casting an African-American Human Torch would be news, but I can tell you it's something that Stan Lee loves, and I can also tell you that having been on set and seeing Michael bring him to life, he's really spectacular. He's doing something really cool with the character that I think will become the iconic Johnny Storm."

Fantastic Four is scheduled for release on June 19, 2015.

What do you expect from Fantastic Four? How do you think Jordan will do as the Human Torch? Let us know in the comments below.