'Star Wars 7' Casting News, Rumors: Possible Major Sith Villain SPOILERS Revealed For Episodes VII, VIII, & IX

By Jon Niles | Jun 17, 2014 01:04 PM EDT

Though we're very excited about Star Wars: Episode VII filming (despite the recent ankle injury suffered on set by star Harrison Ford), we still don't know much about the actual story J.J. Abrams hopes to tell with the rebooted franchise. Luckily for us, new rumors have landed, which could end up spoiling the entire new trilogy in terms of the villains appearing throughout! (SPOILERS to follow!)

If you don't want to have anything spoiled stop reading right now. We have other Star Wars articles all over our website!

These rumors have not been confirmed, but according to the speculation the villains of Episode VII and possibly Episode VIII are "Jedi Hunters." This organization of warriors are not Siths in any way, but do use lightsabers and have been around as long as the Sith have. They also worship the Sith in a weird way, which leads us to the biggest spoiler of all.

If the following rumor is true, we are in for quite the trilogy, culminating in Episode IX.

Again, this rumor is huge so if it turns out to be true it's a huge spoiler. You have been warned.

According to this rumor, the "Jedi Hunters" will attempt to resurrect a Sith Lord and will succeed at the end of Episode VIII.

Disney XD's animated series, Star Wars Rebels takes place between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, and features The Inquisitor ... a Jedi Hunter. We mean to point out that this group does exist in the Star Wars universe so the rumors could very well be true.

What do you think?
