Supernatural Season 10 Spoilers: Dean Has One Night Stand in Episode 2

By Andrew Meola | Jul 11, 2014 09:38 AM EDT

The Supernatural Season 9 finale offered up a game-changer that should alter the very fabric of the show as it heads into Season 10. In some ways, the long-running CW series will be business as usual, but expect some significant changes in the future.


Now that Dean has turned into a demon, his personality is sure to change. He was already an angry and violent guy most of the time, and that was before he opened up his black eyes in the final shot of Season 9. So what does this mean for the older Winchester brother in Season 10? According to the Matt's Inside Line column at TVLine, we're about to see a much darker side of Dean:

"Indeed, Dean has a bit of the devil in him - as will be evidenced by an intense fling he has in the second episode back, with a tough but sympathetic roadhouse cocktail waitress named Ann Marie."

This may seem like a small nugget of information, but it actually raises quite a few questions. Does this mean Dean has still retained some of his personality? After all, what's more Dean Winchester than sleeping with a random waitress? Could this sexual encounter turn dark, possibly even violent, thanks to Dean's new demon status? Hopefully the show provides us with some answers in the early going in Season 10.

What do you make of this latest information? How do you think this new situation will affect Dean? Let us know your thoughts and opinions in the comments below.