Michael Madsen Talks Bieber Punch

By Danica Bellini | Aug 03, 2012 09:07 AM EDT

In Justin Bieber's newest music video for "As Long as You Love Me," released earlier this week, "Reservoir Dogs" actor Michael Madsen gets in a physical altercation with the mega-pop star after he catches him sneaking around with his teenage daughter.

The scene gets pretty gruesome, giving props to Madsen's superb acting skills and proving that the Biebs isn't the little teenage "Baby" crooner anymore. But according to Madsen, the scene was pretty hard to film.

"I didn't exactly enjoy slapping him around," Madsen told MTV News. "Had he been a p****, had he been a brat, you know, I might have had fun with that. But he was actually, he was the opposite."

In the opening scene of the video, a very intimidating Madsen approaches a quiet Bieber and says:

"Listen kid, my daughter is everything... when I do [let her go] she has to be with a man not a boy, which is what you are... I don't want to know you."

But the Biebs insists he loves the girl and sneaks behind Madsen's back to be with her anyway. When Madsen catches the two together getting cuddly in a car, Bieber confronts him and the angry dad gives him a fist right to the face. Bieber's pretty complexion is then shown all mauled and bloody.

Madsen also spoke of Bieber's solid professionalism, adding "He was very respectful, very respectful and decent to me. I think he wanted it to be well-done. I don't think he was blowing it off. I think that I've been around enough to know I can tell if somebody isn't really doing their job or taking what they do seriously.

Madsen, who appeared in the latest season of Celebrity Big Brother (U.K. edition) and placed fourth, also wasn't disappointed with the snazzy vehicle selection for the video.

"That's a pretty b****ing car, you know?" speaking of the '68 Charger Bieber drives. "I saw that damn thing parked in front of the house and I went 'Wow, I hope that's mine.' But they put me in a Rolls Royce; not too bad at all."

Bieber is said to be currently back in the studio writing new songs for his pop star girlfriend Selena Gomez.

If you missed it, here's Bieber's video for "As Long as You Love Me":