'Supernatural' Season 10 Spoilers: Premiere Clip Shows Ruthless Sam Torturing to Find Dean

By Andrew Meola | Oct 01, 2014 10:44 AM EDT

The Season 10 premiere of Supernatural is less than a week away, which means Sam's (Jared Padalecki) hunt for Dean (Jensen Ackles) will soon begin. And based on this news promo clip, the search is not going to be pretty.

TVLine posted the preview, in which Sam ruthlessly tortures a demon in order to get information on his brother's whereabouts. Even when the demon says she doesn't know anything and breaks down in tears, Sam continues to literally twist the knife. Check it out here.

The clip ties into what Ackles and showrunner Jeremy Carver told TVLine in its Fall TV spoiler spectacular a few weeks ago.

"As a newly turned supernatural creature, Dean will have to decide 'how dark and what kind of demon he's going to be,' executive producer Jeremy Carver previews. So what's the verdict? Per star Jensen Ackles, '[He's] an ultra version of a womanizing party animal.' Considering how wild and fun his new life is - he even becomes too much for Crowley to handle! - it's no wonder then that Dean doesn't want to be found.

But Sam, unaware of what's happened to his brother, will try his darnedest, leading the younger Winchester 'to do some questionable things that will make him, and certainly the audience, wonder which one of these guys is the true monster,' Carver notes."

So it looks as though we're going to get a version of Sam similar to what we saw in Mystery Spot in Season 3: dark, unfeeling and willing to do whatever it takes.

What do you think of the clip? Let us know in the comments section.