'Star Wars' Mobile Video Game 'Tiny Death Star' - Disney Cancelled Development Without Telling Creator

By Jon Niles | Oct 04, 2014 11:57 AM EDT

Disney has officially cancelled Tiny Death Star; a Star Wars inspired mobile video game developed by Tiny Tower creator Nimblebit. Unfortunately for Nimblebit, the removal of this game from the app store and Google Play came as a surprise. In a new interview with Pocket Gamer, Ian Marsh of Nimblebit rationalized Disney and Lucasfilm's probable reasons for dropping the game and revealed that the cancellation "stings."

This free to play title was only available to download for around 11 months before being dropped this month.

The removal of the game (and Nimblebits other title, Star Wars Assault Team) most likely occurred so that Disney can put more focus on other, more worthwhile titles. Pocket Gamer points out that Star Wars Commander will be a huge focus for the company's mobile gaming division, so we can pretty much blame that title for this.

"My assumption is they don't feel it is worth it to maintain the game any longer," Marsh said, adding that this game was "a significant source of revenue for us, so it stings that much more."

Pocket Gamer explains that Tiny Death Star and Star Wars Assault Team "will still work and can be accessed from your Purchased tab if you're on iOS, but they won't be updated and new players can't get them at all."

What do you think of this news? Are you bummed about Disney dropping this game? Let us know what you think of this mobile gaming news in the comments section below!

(via Kotaku)