Supernatural Season 10 Spoilers: Episode 3 Clip Shows Demon Dean Torturing Sam

By Andrew Meola | Oct 17, 2014 04:17 PM EDT

The end of the second episode of Season 10 of Supernatural showed that Sam had captured Dean, now a demon, and tossed him into the Impala to bring him back to the Men of Letters base to try to cure him. Episode 3 will feature Sam's attempt to do so, but by the looks of the latest clip, it's not going so well.

Sam has Demon Dean tied to a chair and is in the process of curing him, so Dean decides to retaliate the only way he can: he drops truth bombs all over Sam and tortures him psychologically. Check out the clip below:

In case you missed it, here's what we had to say about Sam and Dean's reunion in the latest episode, "Reichenbach."

"But this reunion is far different from the dozens that have preceded it. Dean readily admits that he has to hold back and actively stop himself from ripping Sam's throat out with his teeth. This is another sign of Dean's latent humanity lurking deep, deep within there somewhere, but it could also be a sign that Dean's been watching The Walking Dead in his spare demon time.

Sam gives an impassioned plea to his brother, which Dean promptly shoots down in a moment that is sure to satisfy fans who like to needle the show for its overuse of emotional speeches between the brothers. Shortly thereafter, Cole (Sam's captor from the season premiere) shows up to seek revenge on Dean for killing his father a decade earlier.

What follows is some of the best work Jensen Ackles has done in a while on this show. Dean knows he's going to humiliate this poor guy, and he savors every moment of it. He insults Cole. He toys with him. He mockingly acts impressed that Cole knows Kung Fu. And then he beats him to a pulp without even breaking a sweat. As he says later in the car with Sam, this was a fate far worse than death for Cole, who will spend every waking moment knowing that he had his chance for revenge and he failed. This is the darkest version of Demon Dean we've seen thus far, and it's not pretty. He also announces that he's a demon in a sort of response to Crowley's question earlier in the episode.

Sam takes advantage of the fight to slap those demon-proof handcuffs on his brother, who is now threatening to torture his brother the first chance he gets. This is going to get a lot worse before it gets better."

What do you think of the clip? Let us know in the comments section.