'Homeland' Season 4, Episode 7 Recap: A Shocking Return That No One Sees Coming!

By Larry Abuliak larry.abuliak@mstarsnews.com | Nov 10, 2014 09:35 AM EST

In this week's Homeland recap of Season 4, Episode 7, titled "Redux," there's a shocking return no one sees coming.

But first, the woman from ISI/Pakistani Intelligence is buying pills to use for an unknown purpose.

We are then taken to the arrival of CIA Director Lockhart at the U.S. embassy in Pakistan after learning about Saul's abduction. He meets with the ambassador who then introduces him to John and reacquaints him with Quinn. He asks about what happened with Carrie in the control room, but Quinn stands up for her and says she made a hard-line decision to strike at Haqqani and Saul. The director is thankful Quinn overruled her. When asked where she is, Quinn says she's in her room upset, but the director tells him to get her.

But we should've known better because this is Carrie we're talking about. She's not in her room but at the secret office working with Max and Fara to find out who the nurse is who gave Aayan the drugs to give to his uncle and what they were for.

Quinn goes to Carrie's apartment to look for her, but of course she's not there. He calls her to tell her Lockhart's looking for her so she says she's on her way, but not before Max finds out who the nurse is. When Quinn leaves, we see Professor Boyd hiding in the apartment. He goes to the bathroom to switch out her bipolar meds with the ones the ISI woman gave him.

Lockhart is in the control room telling the CIA staff that there have been many screw-ups lately, but they are the only ones who can get Saul back and take Haqqani down. Carrie comes in late telling him she has a lead on Haqqani's whereabouts because of his medical condition. They then go to meet with the Pakistani delegation.

Haqqani is riding in a car with Saul in the middle of nowhere, telling him that thank God he has brought a human shield to him so now he can travel as freely as he wants.

At the delegation meeting the ambassador tries to act nicely with the prime minister, but Lockhart isn't buying their contention that they had nothing to do with Saul's capture and can't get him back. Lockhart says if Saul isn't back soon, the U.S. will take away the $2-billion aid package they send to Pakistan each year. The Pakistani delegation leaves and the ambassador goes off telling Lockhart he has no authority to take money away from Pakistan. Lockhart says he does on authority from the president. She leaves angry that she wasn't informed about it.

After the meeting, Carrie runs off to catch the Pakistani intelligence guy who had the lunch meeting with Saul before Saul went to the airport. She tells him he knows all about Saul's abduction and how to get him back, but he's not saying. He denies it, but she keeps pressing. She asks to see the surveillance tapes from the airport when Saul was abducted by Ghazi and, surprisingly, he agrees. She tells him she'll meet him at the airport in a half hour. Carrie goes to her apartment and has one of her pills to calm down — the same pill Boyd switched out.

Boyd comes into his wife's office, where she tells him she's writing his resignation speech because, as a diplomat, she has no more power. He tells her to not give up on her life's work and keep trying.

Quinn is taking Carrie to the airport, where she tells him taking out Saul with Haqqani was the right move. Quinn disagrees, but Carrie says at least she won't have Saul's death on her conscience.

At the airport, Carrie and Quinn look at the tapes, but not shockingly the cameras at the gate where Saul disappeared went down that night. Carrie's mood changes and she becomes frantic at everything going on around her. She even thinks one of the managers at the airport is hiding something in his briefcase, which turns out to be his lunch.

Haqqani drives into the city, where his compound is, and people are throwing flowers on his car. Saul is shocked at what he sees. The CIA picks up Haqqani's car entering the city and watches it on the drone. Haqqani arrives to his compound and his children greet him. One of his kids throws a shoe at Saul. Haqqani tells him to apologize and no harm should be done to Saul while he is his prisoner. Haqqani sees his wife and hugs her and they all go inside.

The CIA is trying to figure out what to do now. Carrie thinks they should send a team to fly in and rescue Saul, but they all think that's way too risky. Carrie starts yelling and going crazy so Lockhart tells her to go to her apartment and calm down. In her apartment, she lays down, seemingly having a panic attack.

Saul is at dinner with Haqqani's family and they begin to have a political and moral discussion about religion. It gets heated, but Haqqani lets Saul speak freely. Later that night, Saul is subjected to being handcuffed next to Haqqani's bed, where the terrorist is having sex with his wife.

Carrie wakes up to Max calling her telling her Aayan's former girlfriend just started her shift at the hospital. Carrie's still loopy and takes more meds before she goes. On her way to meet Max and Fara, everything around her is amplified because of her mental sickness.

At the hospital, Carrie finds the girl and tells her she's the journalist that helped Aayan. She won't tell Carrie anything about the nurse or the meds Aayan was taking to his uncle. She's then stopped by security, who in her mind was Quinn, but she head-butts him and runs away. She starts running through markets and streets dazed and confused because her meds aren't working. She has hallucinations in her mind and is subsequently arrested by police.

At the CIA control room, Lockhart's told the drone can't read if Saul and Haqqani are still at the compound this late at night.

Haqqani is driving late at night with Saul. Haqqani asks Saul where he thinks they are so Saul answers the tribal areas. Haqqani says no, that in the distance is Afghanistan and that's where they're heading.

The ambassador pays a visit to Lockhart and he tells her they're at a standstill. She tells him she may have a development through back channels and that she has a meeting with the foreign minister about it. She tells Lockhart he can come, but she's the one leading the meeting.

Carrie's in a Pakistani prison and is taken by the guards somewhere.

Saul and Haqqani arrive at a safehouse along the border. Haqqani tells him the stay will be short with the next stop being the taking back of Afghanistan. Saul says they won't accept Haqqani there, but Haqqani says they will when he negotiated a prisoner swap in exchange for Saul.

Carrie is taken to s house where she is put in a room. She tries to escape by hiding in a room, but is found by — shocker —  Brody! Apparently, her mind's still playing tricks on her, but he says he's real. She tells him he must be upset with her that she was willing to let him die. She curls up in his arms crying, but as the camera pans out it's actually the Pakistani intelligence officer holding her.

I was scared for a second that Brody was back because the show's better without him, but I quickly realized it was just in her head. This was one great episode for Claire Danes because she made me feel like I was losing my mind with her.

Still many unanswered questions ...

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