WWE NXT Results 12/18/14: Adrian Neville vs. Kevin Owens

By Andrew Meola | Dec 18, 2014 10:00 PM EST

The December 18, 2014 edition of WWE's NXT begins with former NXT Champion Adrian Neville. He says new champion Sami Zayn should be out here right now, and the two of them put on a performance to be proud of at NXT R Evolution last week.

Neville says the better man won last week, and Zayn deserves to be the NXT Champion. But Zayn can't be out here tonight because of Kevin Owens. The man formerly known as Kevin Steen heads to the ring, and Neville screams at him for attacking Sami last week. Owens says he doesn't care what Neville has to say. All he cares about is being here and getting to the top, so he'll fight anyone who gets in his way, including Neville.

Backstage, Devin Taylor asks Becky Lynch why she attacked Bayley last week, and Becky says Sasha Banks opened her eyes for what it takes to get to the next level in NXT.

Tyler Breeze says in a vignette that he will be taking a bit of time away from NXT to do some modeling in Europe for the holidays.

General Manager William Regal books the main event of Neville vs. Owens.

Becky defeats Bayley by submission by targeting Bayley's injured knee. She refuses to let go of the hold until the referee separates them.

Bull Dempsey squashes some jobber. Baron Corbin's music hits and the two stare at each other as Corbin hits the ring. He squashes a different jobber in 14 seconds by the count of the NXT fans. Dempsey watches the whole thing, shoves Corbin as he comes up the ramp, and backs away.

Enzo Amore, Big Cass, and Carmella come out, do their usual routine, and then sing a Christmas carol to The Ascension. It's as amazing as you'd think. The Ascension win the match when Enzo gets distracted by Carmela. The Ascension get on the mic and say Finn Balor and Hideo Itami had beginner's luck at NXT R Evolution.

Adrian Neville vs. Kevin Owens ends in a double count out when Neville dives onto Owens on the outside and Owens subsequently shoves him into the pole. After the bell, Owens powerbombs Neville onto the apron, just as he did to Sami Zayn at R Evolution. Doctors check on Neville as the show goes off the air.

What did you think of tonight's episode of NXT? Let us know in the comments section.