WWE Rumors: Daniel Bryan's Return, Royal Rumble, Undertaker, WrestleMania 31, Hall of Fame

By Andrew Meola | Dec 31, 2014 09:30 AM EST

The latest round of WWE rumors deals with Daniel Bryan's return, the Royal Rumble, the Undertaker, WrestleMania 31, and the 2015 Hall of Fame class, so let's dive in to the reports. As always, these are just rumors, so please treat them as such.

Many fans assumed the worst when Daniel Bryan tweeted that he had a major announcement on Monday Night Raw this week and that he had reached a "crossroads" in his career. But he fooled us all, as he entered the ring to reveal he is ready for competition and he will be in the 2015 Royal Rumble.

Rumors say this could have a ripple effect on WWE's plans for the match. It has long been assumed that Roman Reigns would win the match and go on to face (and likely beat) Brock Lesnar for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 31. But Bryan's return could change all that. Recall the rumors earlier this week that WWE is at least somewhat worried about the reaction Reigns would get in Philadelphia if he wins the Rumble.

Undertaker's status for WrestleMania 31 remains in question, and rumors say WWE would induct him into the Hall of Fame if he cannot compete or does not choose to compete at the event.

On the subject of the Hall of Fame, speculation continues about Macho Man Randy Savage's induction. Many have wondered if WWE would need to use him as a headliner of if another wrestler could get top billing over him. Undertaker is one of a very small list of names that could surpass Savage, so it's possible the Macho Man could still enter the Hall of Fame in 2015.

What do you make of these rumors? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section.