Monday Night Raw Results 1/5/15: WWE Raw Recap January 5, 2015: Major Royal Rumble Change, John Cena Appreciation Night, Dean Ambrose vs. Bray Wyatt

By Andrew Meola | Jan 05, 2015 11:20 PM EST

The January 5, 2015 edition of WWE's Monday Night Raw emanates live from the American Bank Center in Corpus Christi, Texas and begins with a brand new intro package!

John Cena is in the ring with almost every other WWE Superstar and Diva. Cena reminds everyone that The Authority is back in power, and their first order of business was to bring everyone to the ring to address them. Cena first apologizes for what he had to do last week, but Edge's safety was more important.

Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, and the rest of the Authority come out, and the crowd boos Steph before she can even speak. She plays to the crowd and talks about being back in power, and Triple H reminds the crowd that the fans cheered and laughed when the Authority was driven away by Sting. Triple H talks about the string of GMs they've had in recent weeks and says the fans wanted the Authority back even if they won't admit it.

He introduces Seth Rollins, who wishes Cena a happy new year. Triple H talks about Cena's match with Brock Lesnar at Royal Rumble and says it is now a Triple Threat Match with Rollins!

Stephanie thanks Cena for what he did and says he showed them something when he went back on his word: that he knows what is best for business. She declares tonight "John Cena Appreciation Night." Triple H says everyone will get what they deserve and books Dolph Ziggler to defend his Intercontinental Championship against Bad News Barrett right now.

Ziggler beats Barrett with a roll up, but Barrett assaults Ziggler for a few minutes after the bell. Kane comes out and says the match is two out of three falls. Barrett wins the second fall almost immediately with Wasteland. Barrett wins the lengthy third fall with the Bullhammer after a distraction from Kane to become the a five-time Intercontinental Champion.

Renee Young interviews Roman Reigns and asks about his match with Big Show later in the night. He describes himself like Superman and says Show can expect a beating.

Bray Wyatt cuts a promo and asks about Dean Ambrose's New Years Resolution. He says Ambrose's father went to jail and did his time, and now Ambrose will go away too when he slams the door shut in their Ambulance Match tonight.

The Ascension squash some local talent.

Lana and Rusev cut a promo from backstage.

Reigns beats Big Show by disqualification when the giant smashes him with the steel stairs. He beats up Reigns for a while and goes to smash him with the steps again, but Reigns spears him and the steps fall right on Show's head.

Natalya defeats Divas Champion Nikki Bella when Paige, who accompanied Nattie, attacks Brie Bella outside the ring. Nikki assaults Nattie after the match, but Paige comes in and superkicks the champ.

Ambrose cuts a promo on Wyatt about the Ambulance Match.

Luke Harper defeats Erick Rowan with J&J Security as referees. They beat up Rowan after the match.

Alicia Fox comes up to Naomi backstage in a segment from earlier today and talks about their six-person tag team match later tonight. They talk about Total Divas for a bit and Alicia attacks her.

Ambrose vs. Wyatt ends when Ambrose jumps off the ambulance and drives his elbow through Wyatt through a table. He tries to load Bray in the ambulance, but Bray hits Sister Abigail onto the door. He tries to throw Dean in, but Ambrose fights a bit more and Bray plants him with another Sister Abigail on the floor. Bray then tosses Dean in for the victory.

The Miz, Damien Mizdow, and Alicia Fox defeat The Usos and Naomi.

Ryback comes out to face Seth Rollins, but Kane comes out and says this is actually a handicap match with him involved. Kane and Rollins win after Da Big Guy hits Kane with the Shell Shock even though Rollins was the legal man. This allows Rollins to hit two Curb Stomps for the win.

Big E defeats Adam Rose by disqualification after two of the Rosebuds attack him and the rest of the New Day. They unmask and reveal themselves to be Tyson Kidd and Cesaro. They celebrate with the Rosebuds and Adam Rose in the ring.

Triple H and Stephanie come out for John Cena Appreciation Night. They bring out a reluctant Cena and show a clip of last week when he brought back The Authority. Steph says Cena is her hero. Triple H says they've had their problems in the past, but it was mostly his fault because he thought Cena sucked when he first came into the WWE. But Hunter says Cena changed quickly and lived up to the greatness everyone saw in him.

Triple H says he thinks he is starting to see a different John Cena after last week and says he appreciates him no matter what. Hunter brings out a few more people: Ryback, Erick Rowan, and Dolph Ziggler, all of whom were on Team Cena at Survivor Series and all of whom got beaten up earlier in the night.

Hunter instigates them and prepares to dish out consequences to the three men. He and Stephanie step outside the ring to talk it over, while the four men stay in the ring. They go to the stage and Stephanie announces the three men are fired thanks to John Cena. Balloons and confetti fall from the ceiling and Cena stands defeated in the ring as the show goes off the air.

What did you think of tonight's show? Let us know in the comments section.