Watch Burger King Mascot Prank Video Gone Viral, Prankster Dances Gangnam Style

By Mstarz reporter | Sep 24, 2012 01:47 PM EDT

McDonalds customers and staff were in for a surprise when a man dressed up as Burger King mascot played a funny prank on them. The entire hilarious yet bizarre incident was captured on video for you to watch below.

The strange man was dressed in a full costume with the Burger King mascot head mask and danced his way around the store. He passed out free Burger King burgers and even paused to take a photo with one young boy who later ran away from being scared. The masked man busted out the world famous "Gangnam Style" horse dance by Psy also.

The masked man's visit was brief and he skipped out of the burger joint into his white car parked in the parking lot. The manager of the store reportedly followed him outside to confront the Burger King mascot prankster.

The manager asked, "Can I ask why you're doing that?"

The Burger King mascot claimed he was raising money for everybody, for the world and for all the children.

The conversation did not make any sense and the manager concluded by calling the police. However, the man fled in his car before the police came.

The masked man is supposedly a comedian with a group by the name of "Woodcreek Faction."