Top 5 Thoughts on Tax Day April 15! IRS, Big Brother & Government Want Your Money

By Kyle Dowling | Apr 15, 2015 01:39 PM EDT

Well, it's tax day, folks. And what that means is we're either giving out some monies to the government, getting some of our monies back from Big Brother, or just not doing anything. Unforutnately, the IRS wants our money. And whatever the position you find yourself in is, we're all thinking something about tax day. Which is exactly why MStars News figured it best to go through the top five thoughts going through our heads on tax day.

So, shall we?

5. Thank God I Did My Taxes Early
If you're smart, you put all your W2s, W4s, 1099s, etc. into an envelope, visited your "guy" – or of course, Turbo Tax – and finished your taxes earlier.

Is this you? If so, good job! You're safe for another year. Hopefully...

4. Oh Crap... I Waited Until The Last Minute
Oh yes, this is all too popular. You wait and wait and wait. "I'll get to it. I'm real busy!" you say. Well, guess what – Big Brother doesn't care.

3. Did I Do Both State AND Federal?
There's some difference between the two, right? Eh, Google it. We're not accountants! 

2. Wait... When IS Tax Day?
If this is you, we don't know what to say. Other than you may want to file for an extension. Or, perhaps, start running?

1. I Hate Tax Day
Join the club, folks! Tax day blows. Paying taxes blows. But you know what blows more? Going to prison...

Actually, just ask Aaron Hernandez.


Readers, how was your Tax Day? Fun, stressful, just another day? We want to know!

Now, if you're like the rest of us and are still confused by taxes, check this oh, so "entertaining" video from the IRS about how to understand your tax return.

Interesting, no? Hmm, no...

[Image Courtesy of IRS/Official Twitter]