'Tomorrowland' Movie Plot "Secrets" Revealed in New Teaser Video Clips [SPOILERS]

By Jon Niles | Apr 30, 2015 01:36 PM EDT

In two new video clips from Disney's upcoming sci-fi adventure film, Tomorrowland, we learn some great plot details about the highly anticipated movie from director Brad Bird. Starring George Clooney and Britt Robertson, Tomorrowland's mysterious, invisible world has moviegoers captivated, so these new teaser clips share some information and back-story on just how it came to be! Check out these videos below and get excited for the May 22, 2015 release date!

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From what we've seen in the recent teaser previews and extended trailers, this hidden world seems like the place to be! It's futuristic and apparently full of the world's brightest minds, attempting to continue civilization's development despite a doomed future. Unfortunately, this world becomes invisible and only available to see for a few lucky people. How did this happen? Well, in the clips below, we get a glimpse into the movie's reasoning (via Slash Film).

This first video is entitled "The Origins of Plus Ultra," which is presented as an animated short film. We learn how this mysterious world was created, "A place where nothing is impossible." Watch this great video clip right here:

In another great new TV clip for the film, we get to see how "clues" come into play in Tomorrowland, bringing those that can follow them to this mysterious world. This explains how people can get to this world, but why is it hidden?

Watch this TV clip right here:

From what we can see, there's plenty to discover in this new movie. Will we find out why the mysterious city is hidden and only available to the lucky few who can find it? We probably will, but not before Tomorrowland hits theaters in the next few weeks. Let us know what you think of these videos in the comments section below!