'Muppets' Oscar-winner Bret McKenzie to Write 'Bob the Musical' Songs for Tom Cruise?

Bret McKenzie, hilarious music composer who is most known for Muppets and Flight of the Conchords, is putting together a musical for Disney entitled Bob the Musical. It is rumored that McKenzie is to compose the songs and that Michael Chabon will be working on the script. Apparently the idea has been passed around since 2004 and many people have since been attached to it. According to Slash Film, "Tom Cruise has been circling the Disney movie since April, Michel Hazanavicius (The Artist) is attached to direct. Now award-winning music composer Bret McKenzie (The Muppets) and screenwriter Michael Chabon (John Carter) have joined the party as well. More on the Bob the Musical Bret McKenzie and Michael Chabon news after the jump." With all of these creative talents on board, how could this go wrong?

Chabon himself has had quite the successful past and could only bring so much talent to the table with this medium. According to the Hollywood Reporter, "Chabon, the writer behind such as acclaimed novels as The Adventures of Kavalier & Clay and The Yiddish Policeman's Union, has done movie work before. He wrote on 2004's Spider-Man 2 and on several projects for Disney. He worked on 2012's John Carter, as well as the still-in-development remake of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and Magic Kingdom, which has Jon Favreau attached." So many names are flying around, but they are all successful ones at that.

The premise of the musical seems to be reminiscent of a Scrubs episode back in its 8th season when a character suffers a head injury and can only interpret speech through song. Variety confirms this rumor by saying that, "The project, in which a man suffers a head injury and can subsequently hear everyone's inner song, is being produced by Chris Bender, JC Spink, Beau Flynn, Tripp Vinson and Jennifer Gibgot. The Artist's Michel Hazanavicius has been attached to direct. Bob the Musical has been in development for more than a decade with script work by Mike Bender, John August and the team of Lowell Ganz and Babaloo Mandel." Keep your eyes peeled for upcoming news about this awesome project. Whether Cruise or some other actor/producer will be attached as the lead is yet to be seen. A release date should also be in our near future, so here's to the end of anticipation!