‘Paper Towns’ Cara Delevingne Awkward Interview Mocked on Instagram

By Kyle Dowling kyle.dowling@mstarsnews.com | Aug 02, 2015 01:25 PM EDT

Paper Towns star Cara Delevingne's awkward, yet oh-so-viral, interview with Good Morning Sacramento created a whirlwind of response from posters online. But above them all, none of the responses were better than the model's alone. Delevingne took to her Instagram account to joke about the interview.

During the interview, which you can watch below, the model-actress was accused of looking "a bit irritated" at the questions. To that, she did admit that it was early but the view was merely the hosts'.

The model recently took to Instagram to joke about the interview, specifically the first question in which she was asked if she had ever read John Green's book of which the film is based on:

 "No, I didn't read the book – or the script, actually," the model joked. "I kinda winged it."

She quickly, however, confessed that she loved the book and urged others to read them as well. Which is also something she did in the below post:

Delevingne joked that she "just found" Green's book Paper Towns – the one with her face on the cover. She further explained that it's an "awesome" read.

Afterwards, she took to Twitter to post that perhaps the hosts just didn't get British humor – or humour:

Folks, what do you think of Cara Delevingne's response to her awkward interview with Good Morning Sacramento? Give us your thoughts below.