CNBC's 'West Texas Investors Club': Rooster McConaughey, Butch Gilliam's Episode Premiere!

By Jorge Solis | Aug 04, 2015 08:00 PM EDT

CNBC will officially premiere their new reality series, West Texas Investors Club. During tonight's highly anticpated first episode, self-made multimillionaires Rooster McConaughey and Butch Gilliam are going to lasso in these entrepreneurs, and give them a Shark Tank feel with a little bit of Texas twang.

As we previously mentioned, during the eight-episode series, deep in the heart of Texas, the self-made multimillionaires Rooster McConaughey and Butch Gilliam have carved their fortunes from a harsh and unforgiving land. Now they've chosen to pass on their success by investing in promising entrepreneurs. But they're going to do it on their own turf and terms. Along with the duo's close friend and confidante Gil Prather, Rooster and Butch are inviting ambitious entrepreneurs from all across the country to come down to Midland and make their case.

We also mentioned, the names of the contestants were released before the premiere:

Jeremy Adams, Prestige Food Trucks - Orlando, FL

JB Adkins, Hyte App - Northridge, CA

Reuben Canada, Jin+Ja - New York, NY

Christy Chang & Amy Pepper, No Touch Pen - Potomac, MD

Shennice Cleckley, My Dessert Bar - Columbia, SC

Mike Droessler, Invisible Undershirt - Cincinnati OH

Chase Fisher & Blake Jensen, Blenders Eyewear - La Jolla, CA

Jen Friel, What's Up App - Tavernier, FL

Jenny Fulton, Miss Jenny's Pickles - Kernersville, NC

Adam Garfield, SpeedETab - Boston, MA

KC Kelly, iQue Repair - Taylorsville, UT

Rob O'Reilly, RORGuitars -- Ireland

Jack Scalfani, The Best BBQ Sauce - Hendersonville, TN

Desiree Shank, Future College Fund - Castle Rock, CO

Louisa Wright, My Back Sleeper Pillow - Castle Rock, CO

AJ Zakarian, RoboCup - Las Vegas, NV

In an interview with Business Insider, the brother of Oscar Winner Matthew McConaughey reveals, "We're more about the people, basically. Sometimes we'll pick up a glitch in their personality, and we'll test that a little bit ...The deal's gotta be decent, but the person counts as much or more as the deal does."

West Texas Investors Club premieres tonight August 4 at 10 pm on CNBC.

Readers, are you excited to see West Investors Club?