President Obama on Hillary Clinton Email Scandal: “Mistake” but “Not That Big a Deal”

By Kyle Dowling | Oct 12, 2015 09:20 AM EDT

President Barack Obama recently appeared in an interview on CBS' 60 Minutes. During the interview, Democratic hopeful Hillary Clinton's now famous email scandal was brought up – the occurrence in which the former FLOTUS used her personal email server to send emails dealing with national matters. To the scandal, Obama claims that, yes, it was a "mistake" but in the end it wasn't "that big a deal."

Per a report from The New York Times, Obama's interview with CBS correspondent Steve Kroft appeared to downplay the amount of threat that was actually brought about by Clinton's email "scandal."

The President claimed that Clinton's email "is not a situation in which America's national security was endangered."

It would appear that President Obama isn't the only one who feels Clinton has been ganged up on over the report. A couple of months back, comedian Bill Maher discussed the scandal on his HBO show Real Time. He said to panelist Charles Cooke that Republicans are "always dealing with things that aren't actual problems."

Furthermore, Maher stated that he was trying to be sympathetic to Republicans, and fair, but could not seem to find reason to be upset over this whole thing. It seems safe to say that President Obama is in agreement here.

Thoughts, folks?