CNN Slams Lincoln Chafee Democratic Debate Performance: Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton Won?

By Kyle Dowling | Oct 20, 2015 10:25 AM EDT

Last week's democratic debate has nearly everyone talking, many of whom have been trying to decide who actually won. And while CNN claims that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton succeeded ahead of everyone with 62%, with Vermont senator Bernie Sanders landing in second at 35%, it seems that the latter is the one getting all of the praise—which has us questioning just who actually won, because the Internet is saying it was Sanders. Of course, then there's the boy next door, Lincoln Chafee, who reportedly did so bad at the debate that CNN gave him a *% – yes, an asterisk. Not even a zero!

Which is something Trevor Noah and The Daily Show couldn't help but notice...and mock.

"You gave Chafee an asterisk," joked Noah. "CNN is heartless! You couldn't give the man a zero?"

Claiming CNN gave Chafee "f*ck all" for a percentage, Noah saw the move as a big screw you to the presidential hopeful. Or, well, used-to-be hopeful.

Seriously, he's not going any further, right?

Here's Noah's report:

So, who went to to see if Bernie Sanders was actually trending on Pornhub? (Don't lie...)

Of course, while the host's point is taken, you must admit, Chafee didn't exactly have the best time during the primary debate. After all, NPR reports that he spoke for an astonishing nine minutes in total. Ahead of him was Jim Webb at roughly 15 minutes (oh boy, and he was pissed!), Martin O'Malley at 17 minutes, Sanders at nearly 28 minutes, and Clinton at 30-ish minutes.

Okay folks, who do you think won the debate?