'LHHH' Lil Fizz Talks To Rich Dollaz About Moniece Slaughter & Son

By Mereb Gebremariam m.gebremariam@mstarsnews.com | Nov 04, 2015 03:57 PM EST

Love and Hip Hop: Hollywood's Lil Fizz and Rich Dollaz come face-to-face to talk about his relationship with Moniece Slaughter and his relationship with their son, Kamron.

The two men met each other aside to talk about Moniece's crazy  relationship with her mother, Marla, but to talk about Rich's relationship with their son if Rich p0lans on taking their relationship to the next level.

Although, Moniece made it clear that she wants to start building a future with Rich, he tells Fizz that he's taking his time with the aspiring singer, "I love her to death. She's a good girl -I mean she got her sh*t with her, believe I know, you know that. I'm here to see if this works, I'm here to do the right thing, but I can't guarantee that."

Lil Fizz respectfully asked him to refrain from creating a strong bond with his son if he doesn't feel the relationship is strong enough, "If you don't feel like that's where you going with her then I would just appreciate when y'all spend time, my son not necessarily be around." He says, "I don't want n*ggas in-and-out his life."

"I had my reservations about rich, but sitting here and seeing him being respectful and the right things when it comes to my son, I think we all great," Fizz said.

Rich seemed positive about their chat and told viewers, "Coming in I thought that things were going to go left, but you know what, I can't even front. Fizz came at me the right way."