Rapper B.o.B Insists Earth is Flat: Schooled on Twitter by Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson

By Monya Fleming (monya.fleming@mstarsnews.com) | Jan 26, 2016 09:06 AM EST

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Rapper B.o.B took to Twitter to rant about his belief the Earth is flat, attempting to prove his theory with photos of the horizon. The "Nothin' on You" rapper had astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson weighing in on the subject to educate B.o.B., who refused to hear it.

B.o.B. also claims that people are being cloned.

The hip-hop star tried to explain that we have been conned into believing the world is round in a series of strange Twitter posts, including a video that wound up on YouTube Monday about his thoughts on cloning.

WARNING: NSFW Video with Offensive Language

B.o.B. started his flat world discussion on Jan. 24 when he tweeted a photo of himself, where he is shown pointing to the horizon in the distance.

Fans began commenting on his post, but the rapper then went on to claim that everyone has been brainwashed. He then posed his own question to fans on the social networking site.

B.o.B even accused NASA of being "gatekeepers" of the edge of the world, hiding the truth.

He followed that post up with Gleason's map of the world, stating that he did not want to believe the earth was flat either.

The rapper appeared to poke fun at those that argued with his ideas, posting that everyone seems to believe the image was "not high enough" to show the curve.

The rapper then stated that people had been "force fed information".

The music artist then adds that there is no actual proof that the earth is truly round.

The 27-year-old rapper continued for hours with various theories that led astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson to weigh in on the subject on Twitter.

Tyson appeared to give up on reasoning with the rapper, later posting a tweet that appeared to reference B.o.B's remarks.

B.o.B later tried to reassure fans he was not on serious drugs or crazy.

After stating that he was not arguing about the earth being flat to promote his music, he posted a link to his video for the track "Flatline" with Neil Tyson.

B.o.B. also shot off some rather odd tweets back in early December about cloning centers.

The latest post from the rapper blasted media outlets for making him appear "crazy," reminding them to check out his posts on cloning.

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