"Resident Evil 7: Biohazard" is the seventh (obviously) installment of the Resident Evil game franchise by Capcom. The survival horror game, released on Jan. 24, takes hardcore horror fans in a creepy house surrounded by mysteries and hidden secrets just waiting for the players to unravel.
However, some players pretend to be brave but actually have their tails tucked between their knees. With this, Kotaku has given tips on how players can actually survive the game.
Get Through the Game's First Hour
Kotaku encourages players to just get through the first hour of the game. Resident Evil 7 is scariest during its first hour. Except for a flashlight, the game's character literally has nothing to protect himself. Weapons will only be available after facing the garage boss.
Play During the Day
This actually is a pretty sensible thing to do - given that everything is less scarier during the day. It helps playing Resident Evil 7 with the door or the windows open to let light in or actually move your computer/laptop/console in the living room of the house. This should help make you feel a little bit more comfortable playing the game.
Play with Friend/Friends
Horror games + friends equals? Tons of fun really. Share the horrors brought by Resident Evil 7 by calling over a friend/friends and die laughing over their pale, scared faces.
Increase Game Brightness
Resident Evil 7 may be a lot less scary if you increase the game's brightness. Given that the game is set in a creepy old house, turning up the games brightness a few notch (or even setting it on maximum brightness) actually helps you see further down a dark corridor or room, giving you an idea when the next jump scare might be.
Turn the Volume Down
Do yourself a favor and don't use your gaming headset when playing Resident Evil 7. Use your speaker, but turn the volume down to a level that you can still hear the game dialogues and a little bit of the game environment. It also helps if you enable subtitles for the game.
Play in Windowed Mode
If you're playing on PC, play the game in windowed mode. When everything is smaller, it's 50 times less startling, theoretically.
Never Play in VR
According to the game's official site, ResidentEvil, over 80,000 bold players have gone to VR to play Resident Evil 7. If you want to save yourself from a possible heart attack, then forget VR.
Let the Monsters Get You
This is a proven method where you just rush inside that dark room and let whatever monster that's lurking inside devour you. Over time, this method will let you get accustomed to the game's scares.
If none of the above helped, then it's possible that the game might not be really for you. After all, Resident Evil 7 isn't the only game around.
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