Miley Cyrus Wedding Dress? Rumors Of Liam Hemsworth Split False As Miley Poses With Ring, Dress

By Alex Galbraith, Mstars Reporter | May 31, 2013 02:27 PM EDT

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Is that a wedding dress? We may have spoke too soon on that whole "Miley Cyrus/Liam Hemsworth split" thing. After reports from several news outlets that the couple was broken up, Miley posted the above photo to Twitter, featuring the singer in what appears to be a bridal gown.

On top of this, an unnamed source in People reports that the couple "are still living together but have no wedding plans. They still need to work on their relationship, but after they decided to postpone the wedding, they are doing better. They feel less stress and less pressure now. Miley can focus on her music." 

The People story also features a picture of Miley flaunting her massive engagement ring on the set of a video shoot.

Though things appear to be looking up for Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth, the outlook was dire for quite a while. Words like "marriage counselors" and "separate beds" surrounded their relationship. There was talk of infidelity on both sides.

The constant chatter around her relationship lead Miley to lash out in recent interviews, calling the gossip "insane" at one event and ranting in the pages of V Magazine:

Every week it's "Are they broken up?" Because we don't see a photo of them. I'm not home with my boyfriend all the time. We work. I don't have time go to Starbucks with my boyfriend every morning.I wish I did, but I don't. I'd rather chill at my house and be there for the time I actually get to spend with him. I'm at the studio all day. He gets up to work out at six and I come home at five from the studio. I put this record before everything, and I've never done that with anything. I've put too much into this record to put anything else in front of it.

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