Monday Night Raw Results 12/16/13: WWE Raw Recap Dec. 16, 2013: Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan, Shawn Michaels Confronts CM Punk

By Andrew Meola | Dec 16, 2013 11:09 PM EST

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The Dec. 16, 2013 edition of WWE's Monday Night Raw emanates live from the American Airlines Center in Dallas and begins with all the WWE Superstars on the stage. Triple H and Stephanie McMahon are in the ring and they introduce the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton.

Orton comes down to the ring (and stops to smirk at John Cena on the way) and says he proved himself last night. He brags some more before Cena gets on a mic and calls him an idiot. Orton yells for his mic to be cut off before he ruins the moment, but Cena simply congratulates him and says it's time for Orton to stop talking and fight.

Orton says Cena will not get his rematch tonight, but Cena says he was not talking about himself; he was talking about Daniel Bryan. The two bicker back and forth for a bit as Orton calls for security and Cena tells him to defend his legacy and do the right thing. Orton says he does not have to listen to him, but Stephanie says Orton does have to listen to The Authority. Triple H says Bryan does not deserve a title match, but Stephanie says he won Superstar of the Year and asks the fans if that is what they want. He says Orton now has a chance to silence his critics by fighting him.

Big Show and Rey Mysterio earn a big win over the Tag Team Champions Cody Rhodes and Goldust in a non-title match. Big Show throws Cody over the top rope and hits Goldust with the Knockout Punch. He then lifts Mysterio onto his shoulders and he hits a splash on Goldust for the pin.

Orton barges into The Authority's office and asks how they can do this to him after he just fought Cena in a TLC match less than 24 hours ago. Stephanie points out that Bryan went through a war last night, too, and says this is a good opportunity for Orton. Triple H says that everyone will be gunning for Orton now so he has to prove why he is the champion. He adds that they have his back.

Dolph Ziggler gets revenge on Fandango for the TLC Pre-Show loss by pinning him with a roll-up.

Big E. Langston and Mark Henry defeat The Real Americans (w/Zeb Colter) when Langston blind tags in and hits Antonio Cesaro with the Big Ending for the win.

Ryback and Curtis Axel defeat Tons of Funk (w/The Funkadactyls) when Ryback hits Tensai with Shell Shocked after Brodus Clay backs away from Tensai's tag. Brodus attacks Tensai after the match but R-Truth and Xavier Woods run in from commentary and dropkick Brodus out of the ring. R-Truth says they have had enough of this and says the Funkadactyls are dressed to dance, so they all dance together in the ring as Brodus looks on angrily.

Punk comes out to the ring for his six-man tag team match with The Shield and talks about how he beat them at TLC last night. He says they will make excuses and a CM Punk chant breaks out. He says this is about how The Authority doesn't want to admit that they sent The Shield after him. He can't shake the feeling that a certain someone is trying to make him go away. He says he doesn't do well with authority and invites Triple H down to the ring to hash out their problems face-to-face.

Punk waits for a while but nothing happens. He says he didn't expect him to come out but then Shawn Michaels' music hits and HBK heads to the ring. Punk says he wasn't finished and tells Stephanie that whenever she wants to talk, he will be waiting. Michaels starts to talk but the crowd chants "You sold out!" HBK says he understands Punk's problem with authority but tells him to get over it. He says Punk's issue should be with him. A "one more match" chant breaks out and Punk says he's sure he'll have more than one more.

Punk says he respects HBK and will give him a pass for last week, but if he tries to kick him again, Punk will kick back. Michaels says he's always liked Punk and says it pained him to kick him last week. He says what he's about to do is going to pain him more than it will pain Punk and introduces The Shield.

After a commercial break, Jerry "The King Lawler" reveals the voting results and the fans vote The Usos as Punk's partners. The Shield picks up the win when Punk hits Dean Ambrose with the GTS, but Roman Reigns (who is the legal man) spears Punk and pins him.

The Wyatt Family interrupts after the commercial break and Bray Wyatt, talking to someone off screen, says it would be hard to bring down the machine and calls Daniel Bryan a coward and a liar. He reveals that he is talking to Abigail and says he now knows what he must do. The camera pans to reveal an empty chair.

AJ Lee, Alicia Fox and Tamina Snuka defeat The Bella Twins and Natalya when Tamina superkicks Nikki and AJ hits her with a Shining Wizard for the pin.

Throughout the night, we see videos of "Good Santa" Mark Henry and "Bad Santa" Damien Sandow. The two will fight on Raw next week in "The Battle for Christmas."

Renee Young is backstage with Orton and she congratulates him but he cuts her off and says he has to fight an undeserving troll. He asks how many times how many times he has to beat him and questions why the Authority is listening to the fans and why Bryan won Superstar of the Year. He said the best thing would be for everyone around the world who is a member of the WWE Universe to kiss his ass.

Bryan faces Orton in the main event, which lasts nearly a half hour. Bryan gets the upper hand at the end but Orton blatantly low blows him to get disqualified. Cena runs out, takes out Orton and checks on Bryan. Orton comes back in the ring and plants Cena with the RKO. He poses with both belts over the two men's bodies as the show goes off the air.

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