RHONJ Teresa Giudice, Joe Giudice MORE cheating scandal Rumors, PHOTOS show Joe feeling up mystery brunette

By Mereb Gebremariam | Jan 03, 2014 11:18 AM EST

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The cheating scandal will not end for "Real Housewives of New Jersey" reality star, Teresa Giudice and her husband Joe Giudice. According to RadarOnline, more pictures of Joe and another brunette woman have surfaced, and this time he's getting touchy and away from a hot meal.

The photo of Joe was allegedly uploaded on Twitter last month and quickly deleted, however, it's not stopping the married reality star from still hanging out with other women.

MStars News previously reported:

"Real Housewives of New Jersey's" favorite reality star, Teresa Giudice is facing another cheating scandal as her husband, Joe Giudice was photographed having dinner with another woman.

Pictures obtained by RadarOnline, show Joe eating with a mystery brunette at La Havana 59 restaurant in Moonachie, New Jersey.

"Joe sat across from the woman, who was very attractive, probably in her 30s, had long brown hair and was dressed very nicely in knee-high stiletto boots and she was carrying what looked like an expensive purse," the source added, "After people started noticing him and taking pictures he actually moved to sit next to her so that his back was to most of the restaurant."

The diner mentioned that Giudice was definitely on a date and the flirting was obvious, "They didn't have any papers on the table, they didn't have a briefcase or anything and they were just laughing with each other the whole time."

In June 2013, Nicole Cemelli, was seen dining with the married Joe and a source claims that the she wasn't too thrilled, "Nicole was flipping out. She's really upset and worried," a source told Life & Style magazine.

The source adds that Nicole is upset with her affair going public, "She was hysterical. Nicole comes from a very good family and does not want this out there."

In Touch magazine source adds, "Teresa believes Nicole would never sleep with Joe. Teresa felt sorry for her."

Teresa responded in a blog post condemning the rumors, "It's not acceptable to falsely portray our friends, family, business associates, fans, and even acquaintances this way." She continued, "The poor girl in your photo is freaking out now - and rightfully so - because she's getting harassing calls at her work, being stalked on the Internet and even followed."

Do you think Joe was on an innocent dinner with a family member or family friend?

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