How I Met Your Mother is officially on its last hiatus before it begins its final run toward the series finale (the show is on break so as not to go up against the Winter Olympics). This means now is as good a time as any to reflect on where we've been and where we want to go before the beloved show bows out for good on Monday, March 31.
With only precious few episodes left, here is our wish list for the final episodes of How I Met Your Mother:
1) More Mother. Season 9 has done a wonderful job of weaving The Mother into the storyline, both through time jumps and through the excellent 200th episode solely dedicated to her. More of her could have been nice, but it also could have taken away from the special feeling one would get every time she was on screen. But with only a handful of episodes to go, there's no reason to hold back anymore. Put her front and center. And tell us her name already!
2) Less Filler. The first half of Season 9 was marred by multiple unnecessary filler episodes, many of which dealt with Marshall's road trip to Farhampton. We've finally arrived at the wedding day so please, we don't need entire episodes devoted to Robin's missing veil or Barney's struggles to pick the right tie. There's no time to waste, so let's do this.
3) More callbacks. The callbacks and references in Season 9 have been plentiful and wonderful thus far, so let's keep it going. We'll throw "bring back more guest stars" into this entry too, because the show has done a great job of celebrating its own history in this final season.
4) Give us closure. We've seen why Ted and The Mother need each other so much and how they find each other at the perfect time in their lives. We've also seen glimpses of their future together, though the actual meeting probably won't take place until the series finale. So all we ask now is that we get some closure on not just them, but the rest of the gang, as well. Let's see Ted happy in his suburban home with his wife and two children. Let's see Lily and Marshall growing old together. Let's see Barney and Robin's married life. In other words, make this entire journey worth the time.
5) The final slap. Personally, I hope that the slap doesn't happen during the final episodes. Instead, I want to see Neil Patrick Harris and Jason Segel reunite in 5-10 years and film a short scene in which the slap takes place. But if it does happen on or before March 31, you'll hear no complaints from me.
What's on your HIMYM wish list for the final episodes? Let us know in the comments below.
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