Monday Night Raw Results 3/3/14: WWE Raw Recap March 3, 2014: Daniel Bryan confronts Triple H and fights Batista, plus The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family and did CM Punk return?

By Andrew Meola | Mar 03, 2014 11:23 PM EST

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The March 3, 2014 edition of WWE's Monday Night Raw emanates live from the Allstate Arena just outside Chicago and opens with CM Punk's music! Except it's Paul Heyman, who assumes CM Punk's cross-legged position in the center of the ring.

He says he wants to tell the story of a Paul Heyman Guy and says "they" thought he was too small to main event WrestleMania. He says this man did not have the corporate look and would rebel against the system. He wants to tell the story of a Paul Heyman Guy born and raised in Chicago.

Heyman says no one is more upset about not being able to say "CM Punk" than him. He says Punk would prove his detractors wrong and would show that he is the Best in the World. He blames the fans for Punk's absence and says Punk was at his best when he was with Heyman. He also blames the Undertaker and says Brock Lesnar will get revenge when he conquers The Streak.

Lesnar comes out and says he believes in his heart that the Undertaker is scared of him. He says many men have tried to end the streak, including Triple H, Shawn Michaels and CM Punk. He calls them all failures and says he will conquer the streak. Mark Henry comes out to attack Lesnar, but Brock throws him into the steps, hits him in the head with the steps and then F5s him through the announce table.

The Usos defeat the New Age Outlaws to become the new WWE Tag Team Champions. Jey Uso superkicks Billy Gunn and then hits a splash off the top rope for the win.

WWE shows a preview of Need for Speed starring Aaron Paul, who is the host of tonight's episode. The Divas watch and Aksana says she would like to ride with him because she likes fast cars.

Cesaro (w/Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter) faces Big E. and gets him in the Giant Swing, but Swagger comes in and causes the disqualification. Cesaro argues with Swagger, who leaves the ring. Big E. hits the Big Ending on Cesaro and leaves.

The Wyatt Family defeats The Shield when Seth Rollins leaves his partners at ringside. He had been trying to tag both Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose, but they continually were preoccupied outside the ring. Rollins yells at Reigns that he is sick of being the glue and keeping the peace and tells him to work things out with Ambrose. The two work together and Reigns helps clean house, but Bray Wyatt eventually hits Sister Abigail on Ambrose for the win.

Renee Young talks to Batista backstage and asks him about Daniel Bryan. He says the Yes Movement is the dumbest thing he's ever heard, that Bryan will never be a Superstar like him and that it's all fantasy. He says the fans must deal with it.

Emma and Santino Marella defeat Summer Rae and Fandango in mixed tag team action when Emma makes Summer Rae tap out to the Emma Lock.

Sheamus defeats Christian with the Brogue Kick. Renee Young tries to interview Sheamus after the match, but Christian assaults him and hits him in the stomach with a light.

The Bella Twins defeat Aksana and Alicia Fox when Nikki Bella hits Alicia Fox with her finisher for the win.

Daniel Bryan comes out for his match with Batista and says the crowd has a voice, which they use to chant CM Punk and Bryan smiles. Bryan says he will not leave the ring until Batista comes down to fight or until Triple H accepts his challenge for a match at WrestleMania 30.

The Game's music hits and he makes his way out with Stephanie McMahon. Stephanie says she cannot believe he is trying to hijack Raw and Bryan just responds that he wants Triple H at WrestleMania. He says all of the fans are behind him despite his six months of screw jobs and attacks, and the crowd goes wild. Triple H says Bryan and his generation just like to blame everybody else for their failures. He says anyone who failed here just was not good enough, and that it will take more than a B+ player like Bryan for him to step into the ring to fight.

Bryan says he does not listen to the fans and their desire to see people like him succeed. Stephanie asks why they would listen to the fans, because they will turn on Bryan on a dime. She says she and her family made him who he is, and Triple H says the match at WrestleMania is not going to happen. He tells Bryan to get out of his ring, but Bryan says it is the fans' ring.

Stephanie calls Kane down to the ring, but Bryan attacks him before he can get into the ring. Stephanie calls for security and they separate the two men.

Alberto Del Rio is in the ring for a match, and Aaron Paul drives Dolph Ziggler out to the stage in a Shelby Mustang. Paul goes on commentary while Ziggler fights. He eventually gets up on the announce table to distract Del Rio, and Ziggler hits him with the Zig Zag for the win. Ziggler and Paul celebrate in the ring after the match.

WWE announces that Paul Bearer is the latest inductee into the Hall of Fame Class o 2014.

Big E. vs. Jack Swagger (w/Antonio Cesaro and Zeb Colter) ends immediately after the bell rings, as Cesaro comes in and plants Big E. with the Neutralizer. The two teammates argue and Swagger shoves Cesaro while Colter tries to keep the peace. Cesaro goes for the Giant Swing, but Colter gets on the microphone and asks him not to do it. Cesaro lets him go and Colter tells him to help Swagger off the mat. He tells Swagger to take his hand. Cesaro pulls him up and Colter tells them to hug. They do, and Zeb leads the We The People chant.

John Cena comes out and the crowd starts a CM Punk chant. Cena thanks them for the warm Chicago welcome. He says the Wyatts injured him last week and the doctors ordered him not to fight, which starts a Yes! chant. Cena says he wanted to come out and hear the energy and passion of an entire city. He mentions he has competed in WrestleManias in the Allstate Arena, that Brock Lesnar beat him up here and that he had a special match at the Money in the Bank pay-per-view with a certain someone here.

Cena says he and Chicago have not always seen eye to eye, but he has always respected them and he always hears them. He says he has been listening to the "hijack" and he knows the fans want change. Cena says he respects that, but success in the business and change goes through him. Cena tells Bray Wyatt he is not in the driver's seat yet. He says he has given the last 12 years of his life to this business, he is in the same place where his career started (the Allstate Arena) and he is still standing tall.

Bray Wyatt comes on the TitanTron and says Cena built an empire. He asks if he can feel the energy and says Cena reminds him of an old thoroughbred horse. The people cheer for the championship horse, but he starts to slow down and reality sets in. He asks how long Cena thinks he can fend them off. Bray says mercy is killing him by name, he is the reaper and he will put Cena down. He says he knows what Cena is afraid of: being alone atop his empty castle when Bray takes it all away. He ends with "follow the buzzards."

Batista is on his way to the ring when WWE World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton stops him and wishes him luck against Bryan.

Lana comes out and introduces Alexander Rusev, who speaks in his native tongue briefly.

Randy Orton's music hits and he makes his way to ringside. Batista comes out to a chorus of boos, followed by Bryan. Triple H, Stephanie McMahon and Kane make their way down to the ring as Bryan gains control. Randy Orton gets in the ring and attacks Daniel Bryan to cause a DQ. He sets up for an RKO on Batista, but he shoves Orton into Bryan's Knee Plus. Bryan takes out Kane on the apron, but Batista spears him.

Triple H gets on the microphone and says he is tired of Bryan's "fantasy crap," but Bryan kicks him in the head. Batista hits him with the Batista Bomb, and Triple H Pedigrees him. The Authority stands over Bryan as the show goes off the air.

What did you think of tonight's episode? Were you expecting CM Punk to return? Let us know in the comments below.

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