During Marvel Studios: Assembling a Universe, viewers were given a special sneak peek at Avengers: Age of Ultron. Take a look at the concept art made solely for Scarlet Witch, played by actress Elizabeth Olsen (Spike Lee's Oldboy).
In the Marvel Universe, Scarlet Witch made her debut as a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants in the X-Men comics. Known as Wanda Maximoff, she is able to manipulate probability and chaos magic. Not only were the X-Men terrified of her uncanny powers, they were shocked to learn who she is related to. Wanda is the daughter of the X-Men's most feared villain, Magneto, the master of magnetism. As the character became popular, Scarlet Witch switched sides and was recruited by Iron Man to join the superhero group, The Avengers.
If you take a look at the concept art, notice how different the wardrobe is. During her first introduction in the comics, Scarlet Witch wore a long cape and had a mask on her face. In the movie version, the cape is gone and replaced by a jacket. Scarlet Witch's curly locks have also been straightened out. The clothing change seems to be tailor-made for Olsen's physicality and personality.
In an interview with Moviefone, Olsen went into detail about her role. She describes Scarlet Witch as, "...a messed-up lady. She has got more sh*t to deal with than anybody else I know. I'm excited to figure out what's appropriate to use for her, because there's so much material from all of these decades, and we're going to tell this one story. So to be able to choose what you're going to bring into it from all of this abundance, it's really fun."
Viewers caught a glimpse of Joss Whedon's cinematic vision of Scarlet Witch for Avengers: Age of Ultron. Let's see what Elizabeth Olsen brings to the role when the Avengers sequel premieres in 2015.
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