Monday Night Raw Results 4/14/14: WWE Raw Recap April 14, 2014: Ultimate Warrior tribute, The Shield vs. everyone

By Andrew Meola | Apr 14, 2014 11:22 PM EDT

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The April 14, 2014 edition of WWE's Monday Night Raw emanates live from the BJCC Arena in Birmingham and begins with every Superstar on the stage as they pay tribute to the Ultimate Warrior. A video package rolls celebrating the man's life, then they toll the bell 10 times during a period of silence.

Everyone then bursts into applause as Jerry "The King" Lawler invites everyone to celebrate Warrior's life. Many of the fans are wearing Ultimate Warrior masks. The Superstars and fans join together in a "Warrior" chant.

Rob Van Dam and Alberto Del Rio face off in the first match of the night, as well as the first match of the eight-man, single-elimination tournament to determine the No. 1 Contender to Big E.'s Intercontinental Championship. RVD picks up the win when he counters the Cross Arm Breaker and then hits a Five Star Frog Splash for the pin.

Triple H and Stephanie McMahon are backstage with Randy Orton and Batista. They all shake hands, but we can't hear what they're saying. After a commercial, Triple H informs them that Daniel Bryan is not here but it doesn't matter because The Shield is the bigger problem. He says they will not let either of them near the WWE World Heavyweight Championship and that The Shield reminds him of Evolution. Triple H says no one might be able to stop them, but Stephanie says the three of them can, and Triple H agrees. Batista and Orton both reaffirm their singles goals and say Triple H is on his own. They leave, but Stephanie says she has an idea.

Rybaxel defeat The Rhodes Brothers when Ryback.hits Cody Rhodes with a Meathook Clothesline.

Paige faces Alicia Fox and the new Divas Champion picks up the win via submission with the Scorpion Cross Lock.

The Usos get a rematch with Randy Orton and Batista but the match ends in a disqualification when The Shield runs in and assaults Orton. They surround Batista in the ring and he eats a Superman Punch from Roman Reigns.

Orton and Batista are walking backstage when Triple H and Stephanie walk up. Hunter simply says, "Told ya."

Paul Heyman comes out and says multiple times that Brock Lesnar conquered the streak. He praises Lesnar some more and then brings out Cesaro for his match with Mark Henry in the No. 1 Contender's tournament. Cesaro earns the win when he hits the Neutralizer on Henry.

Alexander Rusev (w/Lana) defeats Xavier Woods (w/R-Truth) in a squash when he makes him tap to the Accolade. R-Truth jumps in to help Woods, but Rusev stares him down and attacks him after Lana gives the command.

Sheamus defeats Jack Swagger (w/Zeb Colter) with a Brogue Kick out of nowhere.

Damien Sandow comes out and says he deserves this time in front of the crowd. Big Show comes out, but Sandow mocks the crowd for cheering Show and booing him. Sandow says everyone should beg to shake his hand and asks Show if he has anything to say. The big man is silent, but Sandow gets in Big Show's face and calls himself the future of the WWE. Show hits him with the Knockout Punch and leaves.

The Wyatt Family makes their way to the ring and Bray cuts a promo. He says he has never lied to any of them, but John Cena has made a career of it. He says he has Cena up against the ropes and on the edge, and all he needs is a push. Bray says he does not want to slay the monster yet, but he does want it to come out and play.

Cena emerges and says he wants to have some fun. He talks about getting Bray drunk to loosen him up. Cena shows a picture of Sister Abigail Wyatt and it's just Bray in a dress. He shows another female family member that is Luke Harper and a baby that is Erick Rowan.

Bray says all Cena knows how to do is make jokes, but Cena gets serious and talks about his WrestleMania win. He challenges Bray to a match in a steel cage match at Extreme Rules with no family members there. Bray says they play with knives and one of them will get stabbed, and he thinks it will be Cena.

We learn The Shield will face a mystery opponent later tonight.

Santino Marella and Emma face Fandango and Layla and the latter team picks up the win when Layla pins Emma with a roll up.

Stephanie McMahon is backstage and tells Kane that his job performance has been lacking. She says she does not want to hear his apologies, but instead she wants the strong man she and Hunter hired as Director of Operations. She calls him a shell of what he used to be and asks what happened to him. He stands up and stares her down before he walks over to the glass case with his mask in it. He stares at the mask, removes the glass and picks up the mask. He says he will send Daniel Bryan to the depths of Hell.

Wade Barrett defeats Dolph Ziggler with the Bull Hammer. He cuts a "bad news" promo and calls himself the next Intercontinental Champion.

This means Cesaro will face RVD and Sheamus will face Barrett in the semifinals of the No. 1 Contender's tournament.

The Shield comes out to face their mystery opponents, and out come Alberto Del Rio, Jack Swagger, Fandango, 3MB, Titus O'Neil, Rybaxel, Alexander Rusev and Wade Barrett. Reigns spears Ryback on the outside after a bit of action and all the heels gang up on him to cause the referee to ring the bell. The Shield manages to fight everyone off after Seth Rollins takes everyone out with a dive over the top rope. The heels flood the ring and beat down The Shield.

Evolution's music then hits and Triple H, Orton and Batista emerge. They slowly make their way down the ramp and the heels clear the ring. Evolution then gets in a few shots and Orton RKOs Reigns. Batista follows that up with a Batista Bomb. Seth Rollins gets the same treatment and Dean Ambrose eats the Batista Bomb/RKO combo (similar to what happened to Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania 30). Roman Reigns tries to crawl but Triple H taunts him. He grabs a microphone and tells them to "believe in Evolution." They pose on the ropes and turnbuckles as the show goes off the air.

What did you think of tonight's episode? Let us know in the comments below.

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