On May 4, 2014, Fox's long-running animated comedy The Simpsons will journey into the world of Lego. We're not just talking about the opening couch gag with a Lego theme; the entire episode will be animated like the popular Lego Movie only with your favorite Simpsons characters. The episode is appropriately titled "Block Like Me."
"I think it's just as good and it's free," executive producer Al Jean told Entertainment Weekly when asked how this episode will compare to The Lego Movie.
He added: "If anyone out there has an idea for a new material that the Simpsons can be made out of, please write to us. Cardboard? Yarn? Anything is up for grabs."
"We're always looking for cool, visual things to do with the show that will surprise people," producer Brian Kelly said. "So Matt [Selman, another producer] and I were trying to kick around ideas for a show and Matt suggested a Lego CGI episode."
Selman added: "We didn't know about the movie at that point. For the record, we still don't know about the movie. [Laughs] Brian and I had been dreaming of doing a Simpsons Lego episode for as long as we could remember, and in early 2012 we started seriously talking about making it happen. Then we found out that Lego was into doing a Simpsons couch gag. So it was a magical coming-together of pretend yellow people."
You can read this entire interview about The Simpsons and the new Lego episode by clicking right HERE!
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