Monday Night Raw Results 4/28/14: WWE Raw Recap April 28, 2014: Kane attacks Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella, The Shield tussles with Evolution

By Andrew Meola | Apr 28, 2014 11:18 PM EDT

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The April 28, 2014 edition of WWE's Monday Night Raw emanates live from the Scottrade Center in St. Louis and begins with John Cena inside a steel cage. He asks why the fans voted for him to face all three members of the Wyatt Family last week.

He quotes The Dark Knight about living long enough to become a villain and talks about how he was drafted to Raw and heard the loudest ovation of his career. He says times have changed but he has never abandoned anyone and always put the WWE first. He asks why the fans are drawn to Bray Wyatt and says he knows he will have to step aside one day, but he is excited for that day because he sees greatness in the locker room. He rattles off the names of some young Superstars, including some NXT guys.

Cena says Bray is only out for himself and if he wins on Sunday, he will continue to corrupt and manipulate. He says it won't be long until Bray Wyatt turns on them, and then they won't have a chance.

The Wyatts cut him off and children sing "The Whole World." The lights come on and a chorus of children dressed in black is on stage. The lights go out again and Bray emerges singing the song. He leads the children down the ramp and they start singing "He's got the whole Cenation in his hands" and "the big bad monster in his hands." The lights go out and come back on and they all have sheep masks on their faces. Cena holds his head in his hands in the ring as Bray has a child on his lap in the rocking chair. He asks Cena if he can hear them and laughs maniacally.

The Usos defend the WWE Tag Team Championships against Rybaxel in the first match of the night. The champs retain the title after a big splash on Curtis Axel, who had just connected with a Perfect Plex.

Paul Heyman is backstage with Cesaro and says he is surprised that Rob Van Dam spoke out against him last week. He promises he takes his clients to the top, and Cesaro says that's all he needs to hear. The two shake hands.

Sheamus defeats Titus O'Neil with the Brogue Kick.

Dolph Ziggler is in the ring and says this is his favorite time of year. He shows a video clip of X-Men: Days of Future Past and brings out Hugh Jackman. They show a clip of Jackman's last Raw appearance when he knocked out Ziggler. Jackman says he wasn't going to bring it up, but Ziggler says if you're going to get knocked out, it might as well be by the baddest superhero there is. They shake hands and pose, but Damien Sandow comes out dress as Magneto. He gets in the ring and the crowd chants "knock him out." Sandow uses the power of magnetism and gets Jackman's microphone to move closer to him, but Jackman was faking and hip tosses Sandow.

Fun fact: This is episode 1,092 of Raw.

Jack Swagger comes to the ring with Zeb Colter. Paul Heyman comes out and tells the crowd a joke. Knock knock. Who's there? Mike. Mike who? My client Brock Lesnar broke the streak at WrestleMania. He then mentions Cesaro's win at Mania and introduces his client. Cesaro picks up the win after Heyman grab Colter's mustache for a distraction.

Renee Young interviews Cena backstage and asks about what happened with Bray Wyatt, but Cena just walks away.

Alberto Del Rio faces Cody Rhodes (w/Goldust) and earns the win with the Cross Arm Breaker. His brother tries to give him a pep talk after the match but Cody shoves him.

Paul Heyman is backstage with Cesaro but we cannot hear what they are saying.

Lana comes out and introduces Rusev, who faces Xaveir Woods for a few seconds before R-Truth comes out and interferes to cause the disqualification. They attack Rusev, who actually gets stunned and knocked off the apron. He and Lana leave as Truth and Woods yell from the ring.

Renee Young interviews Rob Van Dam backstage and he says he will deliver some bad news to Barrett when he becomes the No. 1 Contender for the Intercontinental Championship. Zeb Colter comes up and offers to help take out their common enemy, Paul Heyman. RVD turns him down.

Heath Slater and Drew McIntyre beat Los Matadores. Hornswoggle tries to dive on Los Matadores and El Torito outside the ring after the match but misses. El Torito splashes 3MB from the top rope.

Stephanie McMahon comes out and says what happened last week was a senseless tragedy. She asks Daniel Bryan to come out, and the champ comes out in a neck brace. Brie Bella is with him and she does a Yes chant. Bryan says he almost he believes her and everyone knows she is full of crap. Stephanie says she does not blame him, and says she and Triple H never wanted him to be WWE World Heavyweight Champion. She says emotions ran a little high.

Bryan asks her how she thinks Brie felt during the whole ordeal. Stephanie says Bryan proved them wrong, but all she wanted to do was give him a credible opponent at Extreme Rules. Instead, Kane went way too far. Stephanie says she knows what it's like to have your husband stretchered out of an arena, and so she apologized to Brie for what Kane did. The crowd chants No and Bryan says she is still full of crap. Stephanie invites him into the ring to look her in the eyes and see if she can convince him. Bryan says all he would see is a liar and that at the snap of her fingers, Kane could come out and assault him or Brie.

Bryan says his head hurts and he can't move his neck, but he has never given up. The doctors have cleared him for Extreme Rules and he knows Stephanie thinks Kane will take him down. But if he goes down, he will take Kane with him straight to hell. Stephanie says she does not know where Kane is and the mask is locked in her office. To make things right, she books a match for Brie against Paige for the Divas Championship right now.

Bryan says he will not let Brie go down there alone, and Stephanie agrees. The match begins, and Kane's pyro hits during the bout. Bryan looks around for Kane, who comes up through the ring and tries to drag her into the hole. Bryan tries to fight him off but Kane climbs out of the hole and goes after Brie. Bryan comes back with a wrench and smacks Kane, but he sits up and chokeslams Bryan. He tries to drag Brie into the hole again but she kicks him and runs away. She and officials try to help Bryan to the back but Kane lights his pyro to scare them all.

A doctor checks on Bryan backstage as Brie stands there nervously. Stephanie comes in with tears in her eyes and apologizes. She asks if Bryan can compete at Extreme Rules, and he says he will make her regret dragging his wife into this. Brie screams, "Get out, you bitch!" and Stephanie leaves.

Renee Young is backstage interviewing Cena again and he apologizes for earlier. He says Bray will go to great lengths to manipulate people and admits he was wrong earlier. Cena says he thought the WWE Universe had turned its back on him, but then he realized the fans were still making noise for him, good or bad. Cena says Bray will not have the whole world in his hands on Sunday; he'll only have Cena's fist in his face and his foot in his ass.

Bad News Barrett comes out and says WWE's slogan is "Then. Now. Forever," but RVD's should just be "Then" because that's the last time he was relevant. He says he was in diapers the last time RVD won the Intercontinental Championship and says RVD will be in diapers after this match. Cesaro distracts RVD during the match and Barrett tries for the Bullhammer, but RVD ducks and hits a spinning heel kick. He goes for the Frog Splash and Cesaro tries to attack him but fails. Barrett counters the splash and hits the Bullhammer to become the No. 1 Contender. Swagger then comes out and attacks both RVD and Cesaro, but RVD fights him off. He then hits the Frog Splash on Cesaro from about two-thirds of the way across the ring.

The Shield cuts a promo backstage about beating Evolution on Sunday.

Evolution comes out to the ring, Orton in his ring gear and Triple H and Batista in suits. Triple H says The Shield is starting to remind him of Evolution, but Orton says they are still here. Hunter says The Shield will either adapt or perish on Sunday. The Shield hits the ring, and Ric Flair's music hits. He heads to the ring and hugs his former running buddies. Flair says it's great to be in the ring with men who exude what this business is all about: dominance. He says he ran wild with the Four Horsemen and Evolution and he has seen greatness come full circle. Right now, he's surrounded by Superstars who exemplify power, style and grace, and what he's talking about now is The Shield. He extends his hand to the three of them and they shake it before he leaves the ring.

The match between Roman Reigns and Randy Orton then begins and it ends in a no contest when the whole thing devolves into a melee. Evolution gets the upper hand but The Shield rallies and Reigns spears Triple H. They set up a triple powerbomb but Orton and Batista come back with chairs just long enough for Hunter to escape. The Shield stands tall in the ring as the show goes off the air.

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