Revenge Season 4 Spoilers: How Season 3 Finale changes show's narrator and more

By Andrew Meola | May 12, 2014 03:00 PM EDT

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The Revenge Season 3 finale featured the deaths of Aidan and Conrad (seemingly), the return of the presumed-dead David Clarke and Jack's arrest. Emily also presumably fulfilled her mission for revenge on Victoria when she had her committed to an insane asylum, and this plot development will reportedly change the show in fundamental ways.

The following comes from the "Spoiler Chat" column at E! Online:

"Lorna: That #Revenge finale was INSANITY! Is the show really going to be Victoria as the revenge-seeker now?
From what we know, yes. Emily will be living in Grayson Manor and Victoria will be the one narrating the show and out for revenge, wanting to take down Emily/Amanda and make her pay for everything she lost. Pretty big game-changer! And by the way, we hear another main character will be written out next season. Perhaps the biggest cast departure yet."

In a post-mortem interview with, executive producer Sunil Nayar explains the logic behind bringing back David in the flesh:

"[I]t felt like it was one of those game-changing things we needed going into season 4. And I know people have always been like, 'Is he [alive]?' 'Is he not?' And I'm very curious to see what the audience's reaction is going to be because my gut says it's going to be a little bit polarizing. But I definitely think it's going to be one of those things where's there's going to be nobody who won't come back to see A) How he's still alive and B) What on earth is going to happen when he shows up. We have the chance, again, [to explore] Emily. She had that conversation with Nolan where he said, 'Who are you going to be when this is over?' And she said, 'I don't know who Amanda Clark is anymore.' The only way to up the ante of that is to make somebody who loves that girl so dearly return. But now he'll be a man that she won't really know. One of the reasons we really wanted to bring him back was because it gives us so many places to psychologically go with this story, for everybody. And the other thing we wanted to do was, when we reintroduced him, he's no longer a man about forgiveness. So our audience knows something that our people don't, which is, even though David Clark is back, this isn't the guy that young Amanda knew, this isn't the guy Victoria knew. It's someone completely different. We think that's going to be a great presence on the show and give us a lot of great stories."

What do you think of this Season 4 change? Let us know in the comments below.

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