Monday Night Raw Results 5/26/14: WWE Raw Recap May 26, 2014: Daniel Bryan's Title Situation and Shield Evolution Contract Signing on Payback Go-Home Show

By Andrew Meola | May 26, 2014 11:46 PM EDT

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The May 26, 2014 (or Memorial Day) edition of WWE's Monday Night Raw begins with The Authority, and Stephanie McMahon says Daniel Bryan has a choice to make about the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. She says the champion must fight week after week, but he cannot.

She says he should surrender because the fans should get to chant for a competing champion. Triple H says Bryan's body is limiting him and says every generation has wrestlers that become superstars. Evolution has done that before and the Shield wants to but Evolution is in their way. He says The Shield has a choice tonight as well and talks about the contract signing for Payback.

Stephanie says they must deal with Brad Maddox as well and they bring him out to the ring. They ask why he made The Shield guest commentators last week and says he had no choice. Stephanie says neither do they and brings out Kane. Triple H punched Maddox. Kane plants him with a chokeslam and then hits him with a Tombstone. Kane's pyro hits, but Stephanie interrupts it and fires Maddox.

Bad News Barrett comes out and delivers a promo about summertime. Cesaro (w/Paul Heyman) then faces Rob Van Dam. Barrett tries to interfere but RVD kicks him. Cesaro then takes advantage with a bridging German suplex for the win. Sheamus comes out, fights Cesaro and hits him with a Brogue Kick.

Eva Marie defeats Summer Rae with a roll up when Fandango and Layla come out and start to kiss, which distracts Summer Rae.

The Rhodes Brothers walk into Triple H's office and find Randy Orton and Batista. Orton mentions how they got fired but Cody says they have actually beaten The Shield. He calls Orton Triple H's lackey just like he was 10 years ago and calls Batista a skinny jeans sell out. Triple H comes in and Cody wants a fight, so HHH books a tag match against Orton and Batista. Triple H then tells Batista "you've got big legs."

El Torito defeats Drew McIntyre with a drop off the second rope. 3MB jumps him after the match and Hornswoggle steals his tail. Los Matadores pulls him out of the ring. They have a short backstage segment with the doctor, who says he is not a veterinarian.

The Wyatt Family comes out and Bray cuts a spectacular promo on John Cena. He turns his attention to Jerry "The King" Lawler and says "come on Jerry, I don't bite." The lights come on and he sends Luke Harper and Erick Rowan to the outside. He threatens Michael Cole and JBL not to interfere. JBL tries to intervene but Harper and Rowan lay him out. Lawler enters the ring and sits in a chair. Wyatt asks him about his relationship with Cena and says he must take out Lawler to destroy Cena.

Cena hits the ring but Harper and Rowan take him out as Wyatt puts his boot in Lawler's face in the corner. He says he wants Cena to watch his friend suffer. He is about to hit Sister Abigail on King when the Usos make the save. Cena says Wyatt has crossed the line. Wyatt screams "I am a god" and Cena says he will bring Wyatt to justice at Payback.

Zack Ryder comes out with an American flag to talk about Memorial Day. Lana comes out and says the U.S. dwells on past glories. She brings up Vladimir Putin, then Rusev comes out. He quickly beats Ryder with the Accolade and doesn't let go. Big E hits the ring, gains the upper hand on Rusev and sends him outside the ring. He waves the American flag inside the ring.

Stephanie talks to Alberto Del Rio backstage but we can't hear what they're saying.

Cody Rhodes and Goldust fight Orton and Batista. Cody gains the upper hand and tries for a Disaster Kick, but Orton hits an RKO for the win. An announcement is made that is now a no disqualification, elimination match. Orton and Batista destroy Goldust, and Batista spears him. Orotn hits the RKO and Batista hits the Batista Bomb for the win.

Bo Dallas beats Sin Cara with a bulldog. He takes a victory lap around the ring and says you get satisfaction from effort, not victory. He says all you have to do is Bo-lieve and shakes Sin Cara's hand.

Stephanie says it is time for Bryan to do the right thing and says she does not want to strip him of the title because she does not want to make him a martyr. She says he knows the people deserve an active champion and he is not selfish, so he will surrender the belts.

Bryan says with a heavy heart that his neck injury is worse than he thought and that there is no shame in relinquishing the belts to go home and heal. Stephanie agrees and says she will guarantee him another title shot, and Bryan shoots back with, "Oh yeah, like I want to go through that again.

Bryan says he won't give up the belts and Stephanie brings up Brie shoving her a few weeks ago. She gives him one more chance to give up the titles at Payback or else she will take action against Brie.

Emma beats Alicia Fox with a rollup. Alicia goes crazy, rings the bell and yells "I am not a loser. She slaps the timekeeper, yells at the fans and beats up the ring crew. She even gives one of them a wedgie. She slaps herself in the face and yells at the cameraman. She takes soda from under the ring and threatens to open them in the announcers' faces. She opens them and tosses some at a fan before she pours then on herself.

Damien Sandow comes out as David Crockett, King of the Frontier. Adam Rose beats him with the Party Foul even though Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter come out and try to distract him by showing they have control of the giant lemon. Swagger attacks, but Rose hits him with a spinebuster.

Sheamus defeats Alberto Del Rio with a Brogue Kick. Heyman pops up by the timekeeper and says his win has no meaning because he did not beat a Paul Heyman Guy. Cesaro attacks from behind. The referees pull him off but he continues the assault and hits the Neutralizer.

The Shield and Evolution contract signing segment starts, and Dean Ambrose says this is a historic night because it is the last time both teams will be in the same ring on Raw. Whoever loses on Sunday is eliminated from the business. Roman Reigns tosses the rolling chairs outside the ring, and Ambrose joins him as Seth Rollins starts to talk. Reigns also throws out the table.

The Shield starts to sign the contract and Evolution emerges. Triple H says this is the last time The Shield will ever appear on Raw. He wants them to sign the contract because it spells their doom. The Shield signs happily, and Ambrose even drops the pen in his haste to sign. Reigns throws the contract at Triple H's feet. Evolution signs and Triple H starts to talk again. Reigns cuts him off and demands they "get in the ring and fight."

Evolution stands on the apron and gets in after a few moments. The brawl starts and The Shield gets the upper hand, but Evolution quickly turns the tables. Triple H hits Reigns with the sledgehammer and they triple power bomb him through the announce table. Batista even does Reigns' trademark shout. Evolution stands tall as the show goes off the air.

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