Monday Night Raw Results 6/9/14: WWE Raw Recap June 9 2014: The Shield Attacks Seth Rollins, Daniel Bryan Stripped of WWE World Heavyweight Championship

By Andrew Meola | Jun 09, 2014 11:13 PM EDT

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The June 9, 2014 edition of WWE's Monday Night Raw emanates live from the Target Center in Minneapolis and begins with the Authority. Stephanie McMahon says they finally have an answer regarding the WWE World Heavyweight Championship picture and she shows a video of Daniel Bryan's doctor, who says he is not cleared to compete at Money in the Bank.

Stephanie calls Bryan a B+ player and Triple H says it is not their fault, but the fans need a fighting champion. Stephanie strips Bryan of the title and says she told them this would happen. They take some shots at Bryan and Brie Bella and officially confirm a championship ladder match at Money in the Bank.

They say Alberto Del Rio has already qualified for the match and Randy Orton will also participate because he's Randy Orton. Triple H says the fans loved rubbing Bryan's "fluke" win in their faces, but he and Stephanie were right all along and Bryan is not even in the building tonight. He says everyone gloated about The Shield beating Evolution, but he was right about that, too.

Triple H shows a video package of last week when Rollins turned on his brothers. He says he believes in Rollins and says Ambrose and Reigns will wither tonight. HHH books the two of them in a six-man tag against The Wyatt Family and challenges them to find a third man. Hunter tells the fans to take out their phones and take a picture because tonight is the end of The Shield.

Intercontinental Champion Bad News Barrett faces United States Champion Sheamus in a Money in the Bank Qualifying Match. The Celtic Warrior earns the win with the Brogue Kick.

Bray Wyatt and The Wyatt Family cut a promo and Bray says The Shield used to call themselves the most dominant force in our universe, but he doesn't remember it that way. They fell apart because of their greed, but he is reborn.

Lana comes out and talks about Vladimir Putin. She shows a clip of President Barack Obama exercising and calls him a girly man. She then shows pictures of Putin and Rusev comes out waving the Russian flag. He makes short work of Zack Ryder with a superkick and the Accolade. He refuses to let go of the hold until Lana stops him. A giant Russian flag unfurls over the ring after the match.

Goldust and R-Truth face Rybaxel, and Curtis Axel picks up the win with a roll up.

Layla is in the makeup chair backstage when Summer Rae comes in and dumps milk on her. She throws her onto a table, flips the table over and dumps powder on her before she walks away.

3MB comes out to the ring and says The Shield is supposed to come out here and speak, but 3MB does it better. Reigns and Ambrose promptly destroy them, and Reigns spears Slater on the stage before he goes into the ring with Ambrose.

Ambrose says The Shield was untouchable and they will go down in the history books as one of the greatest teams ever. He says they were unhealthy, though, and the disease's name was Seth Rollins. Ambrose says history is full of people like Rollins and he says he will rearrange his face when he gets the chance. He says they are looking forward to Rollins' speech later tonight, and Rollins is backstage watching on a monitor. Ambrose says they will beat him down after he is done. Reigns calls Rollins the scum of the earth and says he will take out Rollins and then go after Triple H so they can have their own Game of Thrones.

The Usos hit the ring, and Layla comes out (still dirty) with Fandango and his partner, Damien Sandow. The Usos win after a superkick to a dancing Sandow and a top rope splash.

Xavier Woods faces Bo Dallas, who says before the match he knows Daniel Bryan is at home watching with a lot of anger in his heart, but the secret to his comeback is to Bo-lieve. He wins with the Bo-dog, does his victory lap, shakes Woods' hand in the corner and says one day he'll be a "champion of life."

Paul Heyman is in the ring after a commercial break and does his Brock Lesnar schtick. He gets a pop for the University of Minnesota (where Lesnar went to school) and Heyman says he and his client came up with something special for Minneapolis. He says tonight is the night for a WrestleMania victory party and hypes the crowd, only to bring out Cesaro for his Money in the Bank Qualifying Match with Rob Van Dam. Cesaro wins with the Neutralizer.

Seth Rollins comes out to the ring in a suit for his interview with Michael Cole. He tries to ask a question but Rollins cuts him off and says he doesn't think this is a big deal because all he did was what was best for him. He says he created The Shield and he has the right to destroy it. He calls Ambrose a lunatic and says Reigns is worthless without someone to control him. Rollins says they are only successful because of him.

Cole points out The Shield was three men working as a team, and Rollins says they will find out later when the Wyatt Family ends them. Rollins asks why this situation surprises Cole. He says he learned from Evolution at Payback that he needed to grow. The crowd chants "You sold out" but he says he bought into the Evolution of Seth Rollins. He says it took guts to do what he did last week. He calls Ambrose and Reigns "just business partners" and he severed that business relationship. For two years, he stuck out his fist and said "Believe in The Shield" but what he meant was "Believe in Seth Rollins."

Rollins then calls his former partners to the ring. They emerge, but Rowan and Harper cut them off. Rollins reenters just as they fight off the Wyatts, but Bray Wyatt comes in and they get the upper hand as Rollins heads for higher ground. The Wyatts beat down Ambrose and Reigns until John Cena's music hits and he rushes the ring to make the save. The Wyatts flee and the two sides stare each other down.

Paige defeats Alicia Fox (w/Aksana) with the Scorpion Cross Lock aka PTO. Alicia goes nuts after the match and force feeds popcorn to Aksana.

Jack Swagger (w/Zeb Colter) defeats Santino Marella with the Swagger Bomb.

Goldust is dejected backstage when Cody Rhodes walks up and says he has a tag team partner for him that will "magnify the magnificence" of Goldust for next week.

The Authority is in the office backstage and Stephanie says she can't get over John Cena. Triple H says it does not matter because this is the last time we will ever see The Shield. Vickie Guerrero comes in with champagne to celebrate the elimination of Brad Maddox and Daniel Bryan. Stephanie slaps the glass out of her hands, threatens to fire her again and tells her to leave.

The Shield and John Cena take on The Wyatt Family and Roman Reigns picks up the win with a spear on Luke Harper after the usual six-man tag team chaos. Cena raises their arms in victory while Triple H and Seth Rollins look on unimpressed backstage. The babyfaces celebrate in the ring as the show goes off the air.

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