Monday Night Raw Results 6/16/14: WWE Raw Recap June 16, 2014: Final Two Money in the Bank Participants Revealed for WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match

By Andrew Meola | Jun 16, 2014 11:13 PM EDT

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The June 16, 2014 edition of WWE's Monday Night Raw emanates live from the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland and begins with the "entire WWE locker room" on the stage. The Authority comes out to the ring and Stephanie McMahon says she wants them to know they care, and it must have been disconcerting for them to not have a WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

Stephanie says the company is only as strong as its champion and insults Daniel Bryan. Triple H says Bryan's ability is not disappointing, but his heart is because he refused to relinquish the title. He says the next champion could be on the stage right now. Stephanie rattles off the list of participants already in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match for the title and asks who will join them. She says they will have a Battle Royal tonight to find out.

Triple H says not everyone will be involved, specifically Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns and John Cena. HHH says he knows how much Cena loves to help people, so tonight he will help the Authority. Stephanie promised a Stretcher Match a few weeks ago, and tonight Cena will deliver. He gets a chance to qualify for the title match when he faces Kane in a Stretcher Match later in the night.

Seth Rollins defeats Dolph Ziggler by disqualification in the first match of the night when Ambrose interferes right after Rollins hits the Curb Stomp on Ziggler. Ambrose grabs a mic and says this won't end because he will keep coming after him. He challenges Rollins to come to the ring, but Triple H appears on the TitanTron. He says Dean likes to fight, but he's afraid he's got some bad news for him, which of course brings out the Intercontinental Champion, Bad News Barrett.

The two fight until Rollins comes through the crowd. Ambrose takes out Rollins and Barrett with a suicide dive. Rollins runs away, so Ambrose chases him and brawls with him in the crowd until he gets counted out. He runs back into the ring and hits Barrett with Dirty Deeds.

Roman Reigns is backstage with Vickie Guerrero, and he says she deserves more than just getting the Authority's coffee. He says she should be treated with respect as a Guerrero and advises her to stand up for herself or at least kiss butt properly. He mentions the coffee she has and she runs to get more sweetener. Reigns spikes the coffee, then Vickie comes back and thanks him. She accidentally sneezes on the coffee but shrugs and leaves.

Bray Wyatt comes out to the ring, where a ladder sits. He cuts a promo about only caring about power and influence, and the WWE World Heavyweight Championship represents the ultimate power and influence in this company. He says Erick Rowan and Luke Harper are outcasts and losers in society, but with him they have power. They will beat The Usos for the WWE Tag Team Championships at Money in the Bank and their power will grow, especially when he wins the title, too. Sheamus comes out and says he is going to shove his whole boot down Bray's throat.

The match begins, and Rowan and Harper of course get involved. The Usos come out to even the odds. Sheamus eventually tries to Brogue Kick Bray, but Rowan and Harper get involved. The Usos try to make the save but Bray stops them. Rowan and Harper bring the Usos into the ring with a ladder, while Sheamus gets back up and plants Wyatt on the outside. Sheamus saves the Usos and they toss Rowan and Harper to the outside. Sheamus holds the ladder in place against the ropes and The Usos run up it for a suicide dive onto Rowan and Harper.

Backstage, Vickie delivers the coffee to Triple H but spills some on him when she sneezes.

Renee Young tries to interview Stephanie but she runs off abruptly. Paul Heyman comes in and says Cesaro will win the title at Money in the Bank.

Heath Slater is in the ring and Rusev comes out with Lana. She cuts her promo from in the ring rather than on the stage. The crowd chants USA and she tells them to be quiet. She calls Americans weaklings who are not real men, especially compared to Vladmiri Putin. She says our monuments will crumble and puts up a Photoshopped picture of Mount Rushmore. Rusev says a few words about being a super athlete. Slater gets on the microphone and says they should go back to Russia if they like it so much. Rusev makes short work of him with the Accolade.

Stephanie is backstage throwing up and Triple H asks Vickie about the drink. Stephanie throws up all over Vickie. Triple H says they are leaving and puts Vickie in charge. Vickie screams.

Reigns talks to Vickie and tells her Stephanie will probably fire her next week. He asks her to do something right and put him in the Battle Royal, which she does.

Renee Young tries to interview special Raw guest host Kevin Hart, but Adam Rose's Exotic Express interrupts.

Hart comes out on commentary for the next match, which pits Adam Rose and Summer Rae against Fandango and Layla. Summer quickly gets into the action, and Layla runs away. Summer Rae chases her, and Rose hits the Party Foul on Fandango for the win. He brings Kevin Hart into the ring to dance and celebrate, and the Exotic Express carries the actor backstage.

The Money in the Bank Qualifying Battle Royal is up next. Roman Reigns dominates the fight, eliminates multiple contestants and wins by last eliminating Rusev with the Superman Punch.

Renee Young is backstage with John Cena, who says we just saw the impossible. He says tonight the Authority needs his help to put on a Stretcher Match, and he'd be happy to oblige. He fakes everyone out by pretending he's going to put up the middle finger, but instead he just does a routine about all the ways he will "help" the Authority and then "help" himself to a spot in the title match.

The Funkadactyls comes out for Cameron's match with the Divas Champion Paige, who wins with the Scorpion Cross Lock aka PTO.

Byron Saxon interviews Goldust backstage and says he heard Goldust has met the new partner Cody Rhodes chose for him. Goldust says he has and he sounds excited about it. After a commercial break, Goldust comes out and we learn the partner is Star Dust, who is just Cody dressed up like his brother. They make short work of Rybaxel.

Cena faces Kane in the Stretcher Match in the main event and manages to get Kane onto a stretcher. As he is about to wheel him across the line for the win, Seth Rollins and Randy Orton attack. Orton hits an RKO and Rollins gets a chair, but Dean Ambrose comes out to intervene. Kane comes back in and chokeslams Ambrose, and Cena responds by throwing the steel steps out of the ring at Kane.

Cena pushes Kane up the ramp toward the line and gets a few steps away, but Kane sits up and goes for a chokeslam. Cena counters into an Attitude Adjustment onto the stretcher and pushes Kane across the line on the stage for the win. Cena celebrates on the ramp as the show goes off the air.

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