Monday Night Raw Results 6/23/14: WWE Raw Recap June 23, 2014: All Money in the Bank Participants Set, Vickie Guerrero vs Stephanie McMahon

By Andrew Meola | Jun 23, 2014 11:18 PM EDT

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The June 23, 2014 edition of WWE's Monday Night Raw emanates live from the Verizon Center in Washington, D.C. and begins with Stephanie McMahon, who is out to punish Vickie Guerrero for what happened last week. Vickie comes out and tries to blame Roman Reigns, but Stephanie says Vickie still let him in the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match at Money in the Bank on Sunday.

Stephanie says Vickie is done riding her late husband Eddie Guerrero's coattails and says they hired her only out of respect. Vickie says she will do anything, including begging, so Stephanie tells her to get on her knees and yells at her. She calls her a cockroach who won't go away and gives her two options: get fired or remain as Raw General Manager.

Stephanie says Vickie will stay if she wins her match later, but Vickie protests and says she isn't a wrestler. She asks for her opponent's identity, and Stephanie names herself. Vickie says she learned from Eddie how to lie, cheat and steal, and Guerrero is a name more respected than McMahon. Stephanie antagonizes her a bit more but Vickie accepts. She yells "Excuse me!" and leaves the ring.

Luke Harper (w/Erick Rowan) defeats Jimmy Uso (w/Jey Uso) with a clothesline. Jey grabs a mic and tells Rowan to get back in the ring, then dives over the top rope to take out both members of the Wyatt Family. Jey beats Rowan but the Wyatts regroup and take out the Usos after the match.

Bray Wyatt gets on the TitanTron and says he is proud of his family. He says they will all see him climb the ladder on Sunday and his victory will usher in a new era with the Eater of Worlds as champion. He talks about the Wyatts all winning gold on Sunday and spreading their message.

A video package airs of Lana and Rusev touring Washington D.C., and it's more of the usual stuff from them.

Divas Champion Paige comes out to do commentary for a match between Naomi and Alicia Fox. Cameron is also on commentary. Naomi wins the match and has a stare down with Paige, who climbs onto the apron and hoists her title. She offers her hand to Naomi, and they shake. 

Sheamus is backstage and Roman Reigns is with him. He asks if Roman is ready for the main event. He says he likes Roman's intensity but remembers how The Shield ran roughshod, and this Sunday will be every man for himself. Reigns said if he wanted to take out Sheamus, then he'd already be unconscious. Sheamus laughs and again says he likes the confidence and says it will be magical when he wins the title on Sunday. Reigns says he doesn't believe in magic. He believes in Roman Reigns, and so should Sheamus.

Bo Dallas defeats Titus O'Neil and does his usual post-match routine. He says he is now "9 and Bo."

Triple H comes out and makes a joke about coming to D.C. with inept government officials, and yet people still think he is the bad guy even though he just does what is best for business. To that end, there will be another Money in the Bank ladder match for the traditional briefcase. Seth Rollins is the first entrant. The second man in is Kofi Kingston, followed by Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, Rob Van Dam and Bad News Barrett. Triple H fakes like RVD is his favorite to win the match and then introduces Seth Rollins.

The crowd chants "You sold out" and Rollins rolls his eyes and asks if the crowd really isn't over it yet. He says the crowd should be thanking him because he is responsible for the success of Reigns and Ambrose. He says dropped the dead weight of The Shield. He mocks his two former friends. Rollins says it's no secret the Shield got him this far, but now he will climb the ladder and become Mr. Money in the Bank.

RVD cuts him off and says they don't take him seriously. Rollins says he does, but would take him more seriously if it were 2005. RVD says that's when Rollins said that's when he was asking his mom and dad to stay up late to watch him on TV. RVD says he is a former MITB winner and WWE Champion and says he knows Triple H remembers when he crushed his trachea at the first Elimination Chamber match. He challenges Rollins to a match right now and Hunter agrees.

RVD has the upper hand for much of the match, but Rollins hits the turnbuckle power bomb and the Curb Stomp. He goes for the cover but Ambrose runs in and attacks Rollins, which causes a disqualification. Referees separate the two men, but Ambrose gets in some more shots before Rollins retreats up the ramp.

Ambrose gets on the mic and demands to be put in the Money in the Bank match and if he doesn't get in, then he'll just show up and grab the briefcase anyway to screw up the whole pay-per-view.

Backstage, Rollins asks Triple H to put Ambrose in the match so that he can control him and not have him run in and cost him the match. Triple H says it's on him if it blows up in his face and puts Ambrose in the match.

Barrett comes out and says Ziggler experienced a miracle last week when he beat the Intercontinental Champion, but when Barrett wins tonight and on Sunday, Ziggler will be so embarrassed that he will have to change his name, just like the Washington Redskins. Barrett retains with the Bullhammer after a fantastic match.

Renee Young catches up with Vickie backstage and Vickie says she knows she is not everyone's favorite person, but tonight she takes back her dignity and she has no regrets. Randy Orton walks up and says she is going to regret putting Roman Reigns in the match last week. Orton says he will win on Sunday and he would say "it was nice knowing you, but we both know that would be a lie."

Stephanie comes out and says Vickie is dressed to fight, but she is in the wrong spot because the match will take place by the stage. She motions to a pool filled with a brown, presumably foul-smelling liquid. Stephanie says the loser goes into the pool and Vickie gets fired. She calls for some Divas and Layla, Rosa Mendes and Alicia Fox emerge.

They chase Vickie and try to throw her into the pool, but she fights out of it and sends them all into the pool. She starts a Yes chant, but Stephanie shoves her into the pool and does a Yes chant of her own. She does the "You're fired" line and sings "Na Na Hey Hey." She sings and dances behind Vickie, who gets angry and tosses Stephanie right into the pool despite the boss' protests. Vickie shimmies on stage and blows goodbye kisses to the crowd. A referee tries to help Stephanie but he falls into the mud, too.

Byron Saxon is backstage with Goldust and asks him about the transformation of his brother Cody Rhodes. Goldust says he did not see Cody, but he saw Stardust, who promptly appears and sings "When You Wish Upon a Star." Goldust says he is the normal one now.

Jack Swagger is in the ring with Zeb Colter and they lead a "We The People" chant. Kofi Kingston comes out for the match and Swagger wins with the Patriot Lock.

Renee Young is backstage with Alberto Del Rio, who says he is undefeated in Money in the Bank matches and one of only two Superstars in the match who has successfully won the briefcase and cashed in successfully. Paul Heyman comes up with Cesaro and mentions Brock Lesnar's victory over Undertaker. He says Cesaro will win on Sunday, and Del Rio asks if Cesaro can talk for himself. Cesaro said he would talk to Del Rio but he only speaks five languages, and none of them are "loser."

Damien Sandow is in the ring dressed as Abraham Lincoln and says he is the master of his own destiny. Big E. comes out and makes short work of Honest Abe with the Big Ending. He gets on the mic and says Lana and Rusev denigrated and mocked the country earlier, but enough is enough. Lana cuts him off and says pride comes before the fall. Rusev ambushes Big E. and locks in the Accolade as Lana smiles from the stage.

Renee Young is backstage with John Cena, who says a new champion will be crowned on Sunday. He says the time for talk is over and says the seven men will walk into his hometown of Boston, and he'd bet good money that the champ is here.

The main event is a rematch from last week's Friday Night Smackdown and pits John Cena, Roman Reigns and Sheamus against Bray Wyatt, Cesaro, Randy Orton and Alberto Del Rio. At the end of the match, Sheamus is left standing in the ring when Kane's music hits and he demolishes everyone in the match. Triple H comes out and he names Kane as the eighth participant in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match for the championship on Sunday. Kane hits his pyro but Reigns spears him and stares down Triple H and Orton on the stage as the show goes off the air.

What did you think of tonight's episode? Let us know in the comments below.

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